As 2023 is drawing to a close we would once again invite the readers of Offshore Engineer Magazine to gaze into our crystal ball to see what 2024 might have in store for the offshore support vessel industry. Before diving straight into our forward-looking sentiments however, it is important to address some of the main trends in the year that past as these lay the foundation for the year to come.Continuing the market development from the year before…
Norwegian offshore vessel owner Solstad Offshore has secured contracts with undisclosed clients for three of its offshore support vessels.The vessels that have been hired are Normand Jarstein, Normand Australis, and Normand Scorpion.Normand…
Akastor's subsidiary DDW Offshore has secured a contract extension with Petrofac for its anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessel Skandi Emerald.The contract extension is for six months, meaning the contract term has now been extended to July 14…
Norwegian offshore vessel owner Solstad Offshore has secured multiple new contracts and contract extensions, whose combined value is $60 million.Solstad secured one new contract, and one contract extension from Petrobras, for work offshore Brazil…
Norwegian offshore vessel owner Solstad Offshore has secured multiple contract awards with clients in Brazil for two of its anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels and one construction support vessel (CSV).Solstad’s Normand Topazio and Normand…
Bronze bearings in the stern roller of the Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) Vessel ES Kestrel have been replaced with grease-free SXL bearings from Thordon Bearings while the vessel remained afloat and operational.The replacement was undertaken…
Norwegian offshore vessel owner Sea1 Offshore, formerly Siem Offshore, has secured a multi-well project for three anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels in Australia.The contract begins in second to third quarter of 2025, for a firm period of around 380 days up to 670 days per vessel…
Norwegian offshore supply vessel company DOF Group has secured multiple contracts with Petrobras for work offshore Brazil.AHTS Skandi Jupiter and AHTS Skandi Mercury, both under management contracts with DOF, have been contracted by Petrobras…
Norwegian offshore vessel operator DOF Group has secured two long-term contracts with Petrobras for its Pipelay Support Vessel (PLSV) and the Anchor Handling Support vessel (AHTS).The Brazilian built and flagged PLSV Skandi Niterói is awarded a three-year firm plus option contract…
Norwegian offshore vessel owner Solstad Offshore has secured multiple contracts with Petrobras, whose combined value is approximately $240 million (NOK 2.6 billion).The contracts are scheduled to start in the second half of 2024 and first half of 2025…
Since our last market update in the subsea space about a year ago both our current market view and forecasts have strengthened significantly.While the demand picture is looking solid and arguing for a strong multi-year upcycle, the supply side…
Norwegian vessel owner Solstad Offshore has sold two anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels, securing a profit of approximately $7.1 million for the transaction.The AHTS vessels, Far Sound and Far Scimitar, have been in layup in Asia since 2016 and 2018…
Equinor has booked DOF Group’s anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessel Skandi Iceman for its Norwegian operations, along with ROV services to be provided by the company.The contract award means that the DOF Group will have two anchor handlers…
Malaysian offshore vessel owner Icon Offshore unveiled Thursday that it had received a Letter of Award from SEA Hibiscus for the provision of one 60MT anchor handling tug supply vessel to perform their 2023/24 drilling campaign. The provision of service started on October 24…
Norwegian offshore vessel owner Havila Shipping said Monday it had sold the platform supply vessel Havila Commander and the AHTS vessels Havila Jupiter and Havila Venus, following demands from lenders.A day later, Norway-based offshore vessel…