American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has secured a contract to provide and test a digital twin solution for real-time condition monitoring for a Petrobras floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit.The ABS solution will provide a digital twin of the asset…
The floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) Maria Quitéria, built by Malaysian FPSO supplier Yinson, has started operating at Petrobras’ Jubarte field in Campos Basin offshore Brazil.The FPSO unit has the capacity to produce up to…
Brazil's Petrobras is set to reduce planned investments for next year, despite requests by the government for the state-run oil firm to increase CAPEX, three sources close to the matter told Reuters.The firm foresaw $21 billion of investments for next year…
Brazil’s state-owned oil and gas company Petrobras has signed three remaining concession contracts, acquired in partnership with Shell and CNOOC, in Pelotas Basin offshore Brazil.The concessions were acquired as part of the fourth Permanent Concession Offer Cycle…
SLB’s OneSubsea joint venture has secured a major contract by Petrobras to deliver full subsea equipment scope for one of Brazil’s five largest producing assets.As part of the project scope, OneSubsea will provide two subsea production manifolds…
Brazil’s state-owned oil giant Petrobras has informed that the gas potential of the discoveries in the Gujaira Basin offshore Colombia is around 6 trillion cubic feet (Tcf).The gas discoveries in the Uchuva-1 and Uchuva-2 wells, renamed Sirius-1 and Sirius-2…
Guyana on Tuesday received bids from major energy companies seeking a 12-month marketing contract to trade the government's share of crude produced in the country, the country's National Procurement and Tender Administration Boardsaid.A total of 27 offers were received…
Energy data and intelligence firm TGS has secured a baseline 4D streamer contract in the Southern Atlantic region with an independent energy company.The contract spans approximately 90 days, according to TGS.TGS will leveraging the capabilities of the Ramform acquisition platform…
TotalEnergies has made the final investment decision (FID) for the GranMorgu development in Block 58 offshore Suriname, which includes Sapakara and Krabdagu oil discoveries.The GranMorgu project will develop the Sapakara and Krabdagu oil discoveries…
French oil major TotalEnergies will sign a final investment decision (FID) on Tuesday for a more than $10 billion offshore oil and gas development in Suriname, the South American country's first, said four sources with knowledge of the project…
Brazil’s state-owned oil and gas company Petrobras and its Surinamese counterpart Staatsolie have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) to asses collaboration opportunities in various fields, including oil and gas.Petrobras…
Brazilian oil and gas company PRIO has signed a sale and purchase agreement with SPEP Energy Hong Kong Limited and Sinochem International Oil for the acquisition of 40% interest in the Peregrino and Pitangola fields in the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil…
Brazilian oil giant Petrobras is set to reopen a closed oil well in its large offshore Roncador field in a bid to quickly obtain natural gas, the company's chief said on Thursday.The well, located off the Brazilian coast northeast of Rio de Janeiro…
Brava Energia, formerly 3R Petroleum before the merger with Enauta, has concluded a sale of 20% stake in a concession offshore Brazil to the affiliates of Westlawn Americas Offshore (WAO), welcoming the U.S. oil and gas company as partner in the Atlanta and Oliva fields…
Ocean Power Technologies Signs (OPT) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Brazil’s SENAI to advance autonomous ocean developments.OPT and SENAI, short for Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI Innovation Institute for Virtual Production Systems from Firjan) in Brazil…