Offshore Engineer - Insight - Page 11


Spike in Floater Orders, as Demands Ease

Nov 28, 2019

For a range of reasons not all related to costs, offshore operators have stated their preference for floating production with a recent slew of orders, a report by dedicated floating production watchers said this week.The world’s floating production…

ONE-Dyas Rights in Gabon Extended

Nov 27, 2019

Oil and gas company, ONE-Dyas, a joint venture between Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. (ONE) and SHV Holdings that owns Dyas, has its quest for an extension of its upstream investment programme offshore Gabon approved for its offshore Kowe project…

PetroRio Steadily Growing with Mature Fields

Nov 27, 2019

PetroRio, a Brazilian independent oil company specialized in revitalizing mature oil fields, has excelled at using cutting edge recovery technology, and applying an efficient program of reservoir management to pinpoint mature fields with potential to increase recovery…

UKCS Decommissioning Rising

Nov 26, 2019

Decommissioning activity in the UK North Sea in 2019 has seen a significant ramp up, with 23 projects approved in the basin so far this year, and another eight likely to come.But, while costs continue to fall, more still needs to be done to reduce spending…

November: Month of Wind and Climate

Nov 26, 2019

You might remember the Paris Climate Agreement entered into force in November 2016, and each country’s “green transition” experts on November 25, 2019, began preparing for the UN Climate Change Conference on December 2, 2019.Solar powerhouse…

Chase the Right Metrics for Better Production Results

Nov 24, 2019

Oil and gas companies track and incentivize a variety of metrics, but these actions can inadvertently lead to lower production levels and affect lifting costs.If there’s an incentive for fast drilling instead of precisely placed wellbores that maximize contact with sweet spots…

ABB Showcases World-first Subsea Power System

Nov 22, 2019

Revolutionary technology proven to operate successfully in 3,000-hour shallow-water testSwiss-Swedish multinational electrical engineering and global power systems technology specialist ABB has announced the commercial availability of its groundbreaking…

Oil Price Adds to Drill Mix

Nov 21, 2019

With the oil price tracking a course that’s keeping nearly every oilfield viable, operators in the second half of 2019 are drilling a bevy of exploration and production wells that’s just lifting rig futures.Paradoxically, oil companies drill…

In Namibia, Eco Atlantic Plots Journey Ahead

Nov 21, 2019

Oil and gas exploration and production company Eco Atlantic appears determined to make a breakthrough in its underexplored Namibian offshore assets after preliminary works in preparation for a deep dive it expects to take in the four offshore permits as early as October next year…

Angola Lifting All Boats

Nov 19, 2019

Suppliers of drilling and subsea services and equipment may already be feeling the partial lift offered by West African nation Angola clearing offshore investment bottlenecks.On Monday, Bergen-based subsea cable layer, Oceanteam, announced its vessel…

Digital Technologies Driving Reserves Numbers Up

Nov 15, 2019

Operators have traditionally grown their resources and reserves through acquisition, exploration and producing more from an already-discovered field. Now, digital technologies are helping operators increase reserves.Wood Mackenzie research director…

AAOG Inches Closer to Monetization of Congo Project

Nov 13, 2019

Independent oil and gas developer Anglo African Oil & Gas, (AAOG) has tentatively confirmed its drilling work plan for the offshore Tilapia oil field’s TLP-103C well sidetrack, in the Republic of Congo where the company holds a controlling 56% stake…

Bit Effects off Norway

Nov 12, 2019

It’s been quite a week offshore Norway, with Equinor notching a commercial-looking find and ConocoPhillips finding oil and gas, as drill bits turn and investments get the nod.While OE Digital reported Equinor’s find, ConocoPhillips’ discovery…

The Middle East in Focus

Nov 10, 2019

The Middle East, a region heavily reliant on oil and gas income, has certainly felt the strain of the offshore downturn. Cutbacks in exploration and production spending hit the region hard and this quickly filtered down into the supply vessel sector…

PetroNor Opts for Arbitration in Senegal

Nov 07, 2019

Listed independent oil and gas exploration and production company PetroNor E&P has said its subsidiary, African Petroleum Senegal Ltd, will continue on the path of seeking a resolution to the outstanding dispute over block Senegal Offshore Sud…

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Van Oord’s Heavy Lift Vessel Installs First Monopile at Polish OW Farm

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