Offshore South America News - page 157


Ross Offshore gets Ecopetrol contract

Oct 08, 2014

Colombian national oil company Ecopetrol awarded Ross Offshore AS a well management contract in the Caribbean.   The contractconsists of total well management of Molusco 1 in RC-9, area hired with the Colombian national oil agency ANH by Ecopetrol and ONGC…

Petrobras hits gas at Espírito Santo basin

Oct 07, 2014

Brazil’s Petrobras hit a new gas accumulation at the Tanganika well in Block BM-ES-21 located in the Espírito Santo basin, 72km off the coast of the Espírito Santo state. The Cidade de Vitória FPSO. From Saipem…

The case for 4D seismic

Oct 07, 2014

The role 4D seismic plays in extracting more oil out of mature fields was outlined at ONS 2014 in Stavanger, Norway. Meg Chesshyre reports. Fig. 1: 4D seismic gives a clearer reservoir image. All Images from PGS…

Oil industry reacts to Colombia's proposed tax reform

Oct 06, 2014

Colombia’s oil industry has railed against a proposed tax reform presented on Saturday to the country’s congress, Reuters reported. The proposed regime aims to raise $53 trillion Colombian pesos (just over US$26 billion) from 2015-2019. Image…

EMGS gets Malaysian work

Oct 06, 2014

Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) received a US$6.8 million letter of intent (LOI) for 3D EM data acquisition in Malaysia. The BOA Thalassa. From BOA. The BOA Thalassa vessel will conduct the survey…

Mapping while drilling goes live

Oct 02, 2014

In May 2014, Schlumberger announced the introduction of its GeoSphere reservoir mapping-while-drilling service. Claudio Paschoa discussed the new technology with Jean Seydoux, well placement and reservoir positioning program manager for Drilling & Measurements…

An industry look at visualization technology

Oct 02, 2014

Claudio Paschoa discusses visualization technology with representatives of TGS, Petroleum Geo-Services, and Schlumberger. Test image of Petrel structural modeling. Photo from Schlumberger. Visualization…

Despite setback, Noble returns to the Falklands

Oct 01, 2014

Noble Energy will resume exploratory drilling in the Falkland Islands next year after acquiring and reviewing extensive 3D seismic of its 10 million acre-position. In late February 2014, London-based joint venture partner Falkland Oil…

Orders coming in for Hugin AUV 

Oct 01, 2014

Kongsberg Maritime’s Hugin autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) will provide offshore operation services to several survey providers including DOF Subsea of Norway, Fugro Geoservices of Lafayette US, Northwest Maritime of Norway and AXA Engehnaria Submarina of Brazil…

Pemex signs MoUs with Petronas, YPF

Sep 30, 2014

Mexico’s Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) has signed agreements with Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and with Argentina’s YPF, to take advantage of new opportunities opening through Mexican energy reform. Heads of the three national oil companies met last week in Cancún…

Petrobras selects Ocean Installer for SURF support

Sep 29, 2014

Ocean Installer has been awarded a contract for SURF support work in Brazil for Saipem. The contract, which will see the Normand Clipper in Brazil for eight months, is valued at ca.US$50 million, with options to extend. Ocean Installer…

Akastor wins Petrobras contract extension

Sep 29, 2014

Aker Oilfield Solidtions, a part of newly spun-off firm Akastor, has been notified of a five-year contract extension from Petrobras to use the Skandi Santos, a subsea equipment support Vessel in Brazil. The extension, worth about NOK2…

Spectrum tapped for Peruvian seismic

Sep 24, 2014

Perupetro has contracted Spectrum for 2D seismic work prior to the country's international bid round on 12 December. Spectrum will reprocess approximately 13,000km of 2D multiclient regional seismic data covering the lease sale blocks for the Peruvian state-owned and regulatory body…

Balmoral announces Brazilian facility

Sep 23, 2014

Balmoral Offshore Engineering's new Brazilian manufacturing facility will open by Q3 2015, the buoyancy, insulation and elastomer product company announced at Rio Oil and Gas. Balmoral’s Aberdeen headquarters exports more than 95% of its manufactured goods worldwide…

Chouest building new Brazilian base, shipyard

Sep 22, 2014

The Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO) family of companies has started construction on a massive logistics support base and naval repair shipyard for its own vessels at the Port of Açu, in São João da Barra, northern Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil…

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