Offshore South America News - page 156


Kleven converting Aker Wayfarer to SESV

Oct 28, 2014

Kleven’s Myklebust Verft signed a contract with Ocean Yield ASA for modifications of the Aker Wayfarer vessel to become a deepwater subsea equipment support vessel (SESV). The Aker Wayfarer. From Aker Solutions…

Teekay vessel to be converted to Libra FPSO

Oct 28, 2014

Deltamarin Ltd. entered into a contract with Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd. for the conversion of Teekay’s Navion Norvegia to the Libra floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO), for operations in the Libra field, offshore Brazil…

Petrobras confirms Libra oil

Oct 27, 2014

An oil discovery has been confirmed in the Libra field, offshore Brazil, Petrobras announced on 27 October. The Brazilian state-owned firm said the well 3-RJS-731 (informally known as NW-1) confirmed the discovery of good quality oil in the northwestern portion of the structure…

Petrobras hits at Lontra

Oct 24, 2014

Brazil’s Petrobras discovered gas at the Lontra well located in the Espírito Santo basin offshore Brazil. Well 4-GLF-42-ESS (Lontra) is at 1319m water depth and lies 81km offshore the city of Vitória in Espírito Santo state, within the Golfinho concession area…

Karoon takes Olinda Star for Brazil work

Oct 24, 2014

Karoon Gas Australia has now taken possession of the Olinda Star semisubmersible drilling rig from Petrobras to drill in the Santos basin, offshore Brazil. The rig is currently in the Campos basin and expected to be on location in the…

EMC Launches QuickSkid

Oct 20, 2014

Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) introduces QuickSkid Solution to enable faster, more reliable and flexible communications for the oil and gas industry. Image of QuickSkid. From EMC.   Rig owners…

Karoon set to begin Santos campaign

Oct 16, 2014

Australia’s Karoon Gas is planning to begin its drilling campaign the second week of November when the company will drill two to four appraisal and exploration wells off Brazil. The Olinda Star. From Karoon…

Petrobras starts Iracema production

Oct 15, 2014

Petrobras has begun production from FPSO Cidade de Mangaratiba, located in Block BM-S-11 of the giant Lula field. The start-up represents the first in the Iracema Sul area of the presalt Santos basin, located 300km off the coasts of the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states…

BMT gets Saipem contract off Brazil

Oct 15, 2014

Saipem awarded BMT Group Ltd. a contract to supply the riser integrity monitoring systems for the Lula Norte and Lula Extremo Sul developments in the Santos Basin pre-salt region, off Brazil. BMT’s subsidiary, BMT Scientific Marine Services…

ICSID: Venezuela to pay US$1.6bn to ExxonMobil

Oct 10, 2014

An international arbitration panel has awarded ExxonMobil US$1.6 billion for Venezuelan assets seized in 2007. The World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) decided unanimously that Venezuela has to pay damages to oil company ExxonMobil totaling $1…

Odebrecht, Teekay sign LOI for Libra FPSO

Oct 10, 2014

Odebrecht and Teekay received a letter of intent from the Libra consortium to charter an FPSO for the extended well test campaign in the Libra area of the Santos Basin pre-salt, offshore Brazil, Petrobras announced on 10 October 2014. The…

CGG creates multi-physics business line

Oct 09, 2014

CGG is launching its new business line, multi-physics effective 1 January 2015. The multi-physics business line will be established in the acquisition division and will build upon CGG’s strength in potential field and electromagnetic geophysical methods…

Ross Offshore gets Ecopetrol contract

Oct 08, 2014

Colombian national oil company Ecopetrol awarded Ross Offshore AS a well management contract in the Caribbean.   The contractconsists of total well management of Molusco 1 in RC-9, area hired with the Colombian national oil agency ANH by Ecopetrol and ONGC…

Petrobras hits gas at Espírito Santo basin

Oct 07, 2014

Brazil’s Petrobras hit a new gas accumulation at the Tanganika well in Block BM-ES-21 located in the Espírito Santo basin, 72km off the coast of the Espírito Santo state. The Cidade de Vitória FPSO. From Saipem…

The case for 4D seismic

Oct 07, 2014

The role 4D seismic plays in extracting more oil out of mature fields was outlined at ONS 2014 in Stavanger, Norway. Meg Chesshyre reports. Fig. 1: 4D seismic gives a clearer reservoir image. All Images from PGS…

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