Offshore Drilling Technique News - page 4


Technology talking points

Jan 01, 2012

Safer, faster, more efficient, more productive, more cost-effective and simpler interfaces top the technology wish lists of many in the offshore oil & gas sector over the next decade, as Jennifer Pallanich reveals in part two of this month's special survey…

Products in action

Sep 01, 2011

One-trip solutionBaker Hughes last summer deployed a drilling system featuring a TORXS expandable liner hanger package with an EZCase casing bit system to assist an operator bedeviled by a problem zone. The unidentified operator was unable to…

Closing the loop

Jun 08, 2011

Managed pressure drilling methodologies evolved over the years to address operational and economic problems inherent to conventional circulating systems that are open to the atmosphere. Most recently, the advanced closed-loop technology has swept into deepwater operations to help reduce risk…

Core solution

Mar 02, 2011

Coring practices and equipment used in the Gulf of Mexico's Lower Tertiary needed to adapt to formation conditions to improve on past recovery success. Petrobras' James Meyer opens OE's drilling & completion technology two-parter with a review…

Integrated drilling dynamics control - are we there yet?

Mar 02, 2011

Drilling system vibration was recognized as a potential cause of elevated drilling costs half a century ago. It has been thoroughly studied in the years since, and sound mitigation practices have been published. Shell's Mark Dykstra discusses the state of the art…

Containment capability in the cross-hairs

Dec 31, 2010

Post-Macondo efforts to improve well containment capabilities on both sides of the Atlantic moved into higher gear last month.In the US it was confirmed that Technip will handle front- end engineering and design of a proposed subsea well containment…

New drilling regs challenge, and sometimes confound

Nov 01, 2010

The US lifted the six-month moratorium on deepwater exploration in October, while codifying new rules governing drilling safety and well control. Russell McCulley looks at what the new regulations could mean for oil & gas companies doing business in the Gulf of Mexico…

Fiber flexes deepwater muscle

Nov 01, 2010

Long used in deepwater mooring, synthetic ropes are increasingly being employed in deepwater heavy lift operations. Russell McCulley talks to Samson's Dennis Sherman and Offspring International director Dave Rowley about the technology advances that are changing techniques…

Expanding well design

Nov 01, 2010

By ensuring optimal hole size, well designs using solid expandable tubulars have a far-reaching effect on drilling, evaluation, completion and life-of-well solutions. Enventure Global Technology’s Kevin Waddell, Jerry Fritsch and Kristaq Mitrushi…

Support & supply

Oct 26, 2010

Global demand for floating hardware continues apace. David Morgan and Meg Chesshyre review recent support & supply sector initiatives and innovations targeting offshore platforms and rigs.Drilling riser departure A high pressure marine riser…

Handling the low-gravity solids overload

Sep 01, 2010

Conventional solids control methods are inadequate to manage low-gravity solids smaller than 8-10 microns. M-I Swaco’s Rich Cook discusses a new solution, recently successfully employed in West Africa, that helps manage these solids while keeping excess rig space to a minimum…

Challenges ahead

Sep 01, 2010

The risks associated with placing complex open hole completions across the reservoir are increasing. Deep Casing Tools’ Mark Presslie explains why and describes how a new tool assists the first-time placement of liners or completions.--Over the past two decades…

Drillers feel the pre-salt pinch

May 20, 2010

With well costs escalating to consume up to half of a project’s funding, operators are seeking ways to trim costs. During IADC’s Deepwater Drilling conference in Rio de Janeiro in March, operators discussed some of their strategies to trim costs…

Rechargeables to expand MWD horizons

Apr 05, 2010

The importance of battery selection for demanding downhole electronics applications, in particular measurement-while-drilling tools, is discussed by Saft’s Wayne Pitt.As oil companies strive to reap the maximum potential from their prospects…

Complete treatment

Feb 16, 2010

BJ Services entered the multizone single trip completion market in 2005, when it began designing its ComPlete Multizone Single Trip (MST) system in response to a pair of operator requests.--‘One operator had multiple reservoirs that were of similar pressure but separated by numerous shale layers…

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