New Zealand: MN1 Offshore Well Restarts Oil Production After Year-Long Shutdown

©Cue Energy
©Cue Energy

The MN1 oil production well at the OMV-operated Maari/Manaia field offshore New Zealand has restarted production after having been offline since May 2022.

Cue Energy, a partner in the Maari Joint venture, on Friday, announced the successful repair of the well, which had been offline since May 2022, for the installation of a new Electric Submersible Pump (ESP).

"The well is now operational again, with the latest test data indicating production of approximately 800 barrels of oil per day (bopd)," Cue said.

Oil is produced through a wellhead platform adjacent to the Maari field and connected to the Floating Production Storage and Offtake (FPSO) vessel Raroa.

Cue holds a 5% interest in Petroleum Mining Permit (PMP) 38160 which contains the Maari and Manaia producing oilfields, and is located in the Taranaki Basin, approximately 80 km offshore New Zealand.

Field gross production is now over 5,000 bopd.

Cue CEO Matthew Boyall said: “We are excited to see the MN1 well operating again, resulting in the Maari field’s oil production exceeding 5,000 barrels per day. Concurrently, we are actively pursuing production optimization projects in the field, including the conversion of the MR2 well into a permanent water injection well, which is in the final planning stages. These advancements, coupled with ongoing development drilling in the Mahato PSC, are anticipated to contribute to Cue’s continued production and revenue growth.”

The Maari Joint Venture participants are OMV New Zealand 69%, Horizon Oil 26%, and Cue Energy 5%.

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