Masirah Oil Kicks Off Multi-Well Drilling Campaign Offshore Oman

Energy Emerger jack-up rig (Credit: Shandong Marine Group)
Energy Emerger jack-up rig (Credit: Shandong Marine Group)

Masirah Oil, a majority-owned subsidiary of Rex International, has started multi-well drilling program at Yumna field offshore Oman, using the Energy Emerger jack-up drilling rig.

The spudding of the Yumna-5 well in at Yumna field in Block 50 concession started on March 28, 2024.

The Yumna-5 well will be drilled at the crest of the structure to drain attic oil left un-swept by the current producers, according to Masirah Oil.

The drilling of the Yumna-5 well by the Energy Emerger jack-up drilling rig is part of a multi-well program, which also includes the work-over of two existing production wells, Yumna-2 and Yumna-3.

Energy Emerger, a drilling rig developed by Shandong Marine Group (SDMG), is of CJ46 jack-up design.

The rig is 65 meters long and 62 meters wide, with three 153-meter-long pile legs. It can hold 120 workers with 114 meters of the maximum operating water depth and 9,120 meters of the maximum drilling depth.

The drilling campaign will last for about 90 days, said Rex Internatinoal’s subsidiary, which owns 91.81% shares in the company.

Masirah Oil is the operator and holds a 100% interest in Block 50 Oman.

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