Odebrecht Oil & Gas names Simoes new CEO

Odebrecht's new CEO Roberto Simoes

Brazilian drilling contractor Odebrecht Oil & Gas (OOG) announced that Roberto Simões will take over as the company CEO. Simões has been VP at Odebrecht since 2012, replacing Roberto Ramos.

Odebrecht SA incorporated Odebrecht Óleo e Gás in 2006, and it reinvested in the offshore drilling sector, beginning with an contract with Petrobras to charter and operate  the deepwater semisubmersible drilling rig, NORBE VI.

OOG serves Petrobras, Shell, Statoil and other operators, and accounts for about 2.2% of the Odebrecht Group's gross income.

FPSOs, rigs

OOG supplied the FPSO Cidade de Itajaí to Petrobras, which has already produced more than 12MMbo.

The FPSO Cidade de Itajaí, owned by the OOG-TK (Odebrecht and Teekay) consortium, was converted at the Jurong Shipyard in Singapore and chartered to Petrobras. It arrived at the Baúna field, in the southern Santos basin, in December 2012, and began producing in February 2013.

OOG may get two major FPSO orders, in partnership with France's Technip, for two Petrobras developments: the Tartaruga Verde (Green Turtle) in the Campos basin and Libra, in the Santos basin pre-salt area.

OGG  manages three semisubmerisble drilling rigs (Norbe VI, ODN Delba III, ODN Tay IV) and four drillships (Norbe VIII, Norbe IX, ODN I, ODN II). It is also currently building five drillships (Boipeba, Interlagos, Ondina, Pituba) and one semisub (Botinas).

Beginning in 2011, the Technip-Odebrecht partnership (TOP) has managed two pipe-laying support vessels (PLSVs) under a renewable 5-year contract with Petrobras: TOP Coral do Atlântico and TOP Estrela do Mar. This spring, Ceona and OOG began jointly managing the new Polar Onyx PLSV for Petrobras.

Related news at OEdigital:

Odebrecht founder dies, 21 July 2014

Ceona delivers new vessels to Brazil, GOM, 5 May 2014

Drilling rigs in Brazil, 27 June 2013

Video: FPSO Cidade de Itajai, Teekay, 21 February 2013


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