Petrobras Extends Tupi Field FPSO Stay, Lines Up System Upgrades

FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis (Credit: Modec)
FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis (Credit: Modec)

Petrobras, on behalf of the Tupi field consortium, has extended charter and service agreements for the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit Cidade de Angra dos Reis, announcing also the upgrades to the vessel.

The amendments to the charter and service agreements have been signed with Tupi Pilot MV 22 and Modec Serviços de Petróleo do Brasil, extending the charter period of the unit by an additional five years, until 2030.

In addition to extending the contractual term, the amendments aim to enable upgrades to the FPSO, which currently has a production potential exceeding 50,000 barrels per day (bpd).

The planned improvements are intended to enhance production reliability and efficiency, maintain platform integrity, operational safety, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The consortium plans to decommission the unit in 2030.

In operation in the Tupi field since October 2010, the FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis was the first high-capacity FPSO to operate in the pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin, cementing its importance in the history of offshore exploration in Brazil.

The Tupi consortium comprises Petrobras (67.216%), Shell (23.024%), Petrogal (9.209%), and PPSA (0.551%).

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