Second Oil Train for Energean Power FPSO Completes Lift-Off (Video)

(Credit: Energean)
(Credit: Energean)
(Credit: Energean)
(Credit: Energean)

Oil and gas company Energean has lifted the second oil train for its floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) unit operating in the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Israel.

The post-lift, installation and commissioning activities are expected to take up to six months to complete, with liquids production expected to increase to 20-25k bbl/d in the second half of 2025.

The Energean Power FPSO, moored 80 kilometers west of Israel's coast, has four production wells in operation at Karish field.

In Februrary 2024, Energean brought its Karish North and second gas export riser online, enabling the utilization of the FPSO’s maximum gas capacity, which stands at 8 bcm/yr.

“We are very pleased to announce that following an intense period of collaborative work with our contractors and the Israeli authorities, the M10 2nd oil train module has been lifted onto the Energean Power FPSO, following a successful offloading from the port of Limassol.

“This operation demonstrates our commitment to both our clients and a broad range of stakeholders and to regional energy security - M10 will enhance our ability to provide secure and reliable energy production to the East Mediterranean,” Energean said in a statement.

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