Noble Resolute Rig on Extended Stay in North Sea

Noble Resolute jack-up rig (Credit: Noble Corporation/Photo by Christer Holte)
Noble Resolute jack-up rig (Credit: Noble Corporation/Photo by Christer Holte)

Offshore drilling contractor Noble Corporation has secured contract extension for its harsh-environment jack-up rig Noble Resolute in the North Sea.

The contract extension for Noble Resolute comes from Petrogas E&P Netherlands, part of Oman-based Petrogas E&P, and covers additional two months, with optional 40 days.

The contract extension is set to being in March 2025, Noble Corporation informed.

The Noble Resolute is a 350ft MSC CJ50 high-efficiency jack-up rig currently employed to plug and abandon and perform drilling operations in the Dutch sector of the North Sea in support of a rig sharing agreement between TotalEnergies EP Nederland and Petrogas E&P Netherlands.

The drilling campaign will employ the Noble Resolute’s Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system which converts NOx into harmless water and nitrogen, resulting in an NOx emissions reduction of up to 98%.

Worth noting, Petrogas E&P Netherlands started producing gas from the A15 platform installed in the Dutch North Sea. All three wells are now online, providing much needed domestic gas to the Netherlands.

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