Double First for EM&I

OES Offshore Engineering firm EM&I recently completed a ‘double first’. A first-time contract for the world’s largest drilling company, and a first-time valve double isolation using an ODIN inflatable plug installed with an ROV.

The work was carried out in Australian waters while the asset was in full operation, and without any off-hire time or disruption to the drilling process.

Two isolations were carried out, one on the port and one on the starboard 14 in. discharge nozzles. The successful isolations enabled the client to remove and change out the damaged valves on the respective systems with confidence and in complete safety.

The work was carried out to schedule and without any incidents to the delight of a very happy and impressed client.

Commenting on this important achievement Pat Lawless (EM&I Group CEO) said: “We’ve carried out numerous valve isolations on sea chest systems from inside the hulls of both FPSOs and Drilling Units, but this is the first time we’ve used our ODIN double blocking isolation system from outside the hull, and installed plugs by an ROV."

Pat added: "This is a great way to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the ODIN technology which continues to impress our clients with demonstrable savings of over 50% in costs and 70% in POB (People on Board)”.

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