Australian Operations Continue: INPEX Extends Noble Deliverer Rig Contract

Credit: Noble Corp.
Credit: Noble Corp.

INPEX Operations Australia, an Australian subsidiary of the Japanese firm INPEX, has exercised an option to extend the contract for the ultra-deepwater semi-submersible rig Noble Deliverer for drilling at the Ichthys field in the Browse Basin offshore Western Australia. 

The contract extension for the Noble Corp.-owned rig is for nine months. The extension is expected to start in the second half of 2024, in direct continuation of the rig’s current contract. The operating dayrate is $451,500.

"The operations in Australia will continue to be carried out with a particular focus on bringing value to the local community. Since arriving in the country in 2020, the Deliverer has employed a crew consisting of more than 80% Australian nationals, and in addition, the rig prioritizes the use of local suppliers when possible," Noble Corp. said.

“We are delighted to confirm the Noble Deliverer will support INPEX offshore Western Australia. Following our recent merger [with Maersk Drilling], we remain focused on delivering safe and efficient operations, thereby supporting value generation for the Western Australia community,” says Blake Denton, SVP of Marketing & Contracts.

The Noble Deliverer (ex-Maersk Deliverer) is currently operating offshore Australia. Following the completion of its contract with INPEX, the rig is planned to undergo a special periodic survey (SPS).

Noble Corp. this week issued a fleet status report, highlighting recent contracts secured since May 3:


Noble Faye Kozack  - 910-day contract with Petrobras to perform drilling operations at the BM-S-11 and Tupi fields offshore Brazil. The total contract value is approximately $500 million, including mobilization and additional services.

Noble Viking - Three one-well options exercised by Shell offshore Malaysia, with one well being novated to PTTEP. The total estimated duration of this contract extension is 111 days.

Noble Voyager - One well contract with Shell to drill a deepwater exploration well offshore Mauritania, with an estimated duration of 60 days.

Noble Deliverer - Nine-month extension with INPEX, starting in July 2024.

Noble Discoverer - One well contract with Petronas to drill an exploration well in Block 52 offshore Suriname, with an estimated duration of 90 days. The firm contract value is approximately $43 million, including mobilization / demobilization fees and additional services.


Noble Integrator - One well contract with Harbour Energy in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, with an estimated duration of 35 days at a $205,000 dayrate, starting in January 2024.

Noble Intrepid - Ten-month contract with Harbour Energy for the provision of accommodation services at the Judy field in the UK sector of the North Sea, with a contract value of $28.5 million. The contract contains options to add up to five months of accommodation and well intervention services.

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