JF Subtech Charters Edda Savanah Vessel for IRM Services in North and Irish Seas

©Østensjø Rederi
©Østensjø Rederi

Marine services provider James Fisher Subtech (JF Subtech),  part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has signed a charter agreement with Østensjø Rederi AS for the exclusive use of its inspection, repair, and maintenance (IRM) and construction vessel, Edda Savanah.

JF Subtech will start using the vessel in April 2023 for work in the North and Irish Seas on IRM projects for JF Subtech’s customers, utilizing remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and multiple diving methods.

"The charter comes as the UK’s offshore energy industry faces supply chain crunches, allowing JF Subtech to be agile and responsive to customers’ changing needs at a time when vessel availability within the industry is constrained. The Edda Savanah will provide a valued and stable cost base for JF Subtech’s new and existing customer base," JS Subtech said.

The Edda Savanah, with a 150-tonne crane, will be fitted with a James Fisher-owned work class ROV, observation class ROVs and an air dive spread. The Edda Savanah has also been equipped with a daughter craft, located in the center of the vessel to increase stability during launch and recovery.

The vessel was built in 2017 and is currently undergoing internal reconfiguration, which will be completed by the end of March. It is around 97 meters long, has DP2 capabilities, and can accommodate 100 passengers.

©Østensjø Rederi

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