Five Firms Apply for North Sea CO2 Storage in Norway


Five companies have applied for an area in the Norwegian section of the North Sea for potential storage of CO2, The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy said Monday.

According to the plan, acreage will be awarded in the first half of this year. 

The Ministry said it has been contacted by commercial players who are interested in securing the award of specific acreage for CO2 storage.

This acreage, located in the North Sea, was announced on January 11.

As of the February 22 deadline, applications were received from the following companies: Equinor, Neptune Energy, Storegga, Sval Energi, and Wintershall Dea Norge.

Last week, the Norwegian oil and gas company Sval, said it had applied for this CO2 storage license in the Norwegian North Sea, with its partners Storegga and Neptune. According to Sval, the project, called Trudvang, has the potential to store up to 225 million tons of CO2.

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