Worley, BP Sign Offshore Engineering Frame Agreements

Illustration by Elnur/AdobeStock
Illustration by Elnur/AdobeStock

Australia-based global engineering company Worley has signed two frame agreements with oil major BP for the provision of offshore engineering services.

Worley said Wednesday that one frame agreement was for conceptual engineering and the other for early engineering and front‐end engineering design (FEED) services.

"Both agreements are for a term of two years to provide services to BP’s global offshore developments," Worley said.

Under the conceptual engineering agreement, Worley will provide concept selection and development services including appraisals, feasibility studies and technical definition studies. These services enable BP to assess the viability of projects, Worley explained.

Under the early engineering and FEED agreement, Worley’s services will include engineering design, further technical definition, project execution planning and development of project performance targets.  The services will be executed by our London and Houston offices with support from our global businesses, including Advisian and Worley’s global integrated delivery offices.

“We are pleased to be working with BP as a trusted partner through these framework agreements.  As Australia’s leading energy services company, we are helping BP meet the world’s changing energy needs,” said Chris Ashton, the recently appointed Chief Executive Officer of Worley.

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