Subsea separation success

subsea success

FMC Technologies, flying high on two OTC ‘spotlights on technology’ this year for its advancements in the subsea separation arena, discussed the two projects – Marlim and Pazflor – that earned this recognition.

The subsea oil-water separation system for the Petrobras-operated Marlim field in the deep waters offshore Brazil is intended to debottleneck the floating production facility and increase production by removing unwanted water from the production stream at the seabed. The system (pictured), jointly devised by FMC and Petrobras, is also the first to use water re-injection to increase reservoir pressure and boost production.

The Total-operated Pazflor development, which began production last year, features FMC’s subsea separation system combined with boosting to produce two grades of oil from four reservoirs. The company has a lion’s share of subsea order value, Energy Systems EVP Bob Potter noted, and with some 3000 subsea trees expected to be ordered over the next five years and various global frame agreements in place FMC expects its manufacturing facilities to be pretty busy.

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