Anadarko touts new GOM find

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. encountered approximately 1,000 net feet of oil pay at its Shenandoah-2 well in deepwater Gulf of Mexico, the company announced on March 19, 2013.

Ensco 8503Ensco 8500 semisubmersible series (Image: Ensco)

Anadarko discovered the oil in multiple high-quality Lower Teritary-aged reservoirs.

"The successful Shenandoah-2 well marks one of Anadarko's largest oil discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico, with more than 1,000 net feet of oil pay and reservoir rock and fluid properties of much higher quality than previously encountered by industry in Lower Tertiary discoveries," said Bob Daniels, Anadarko Sr. Vice President Deepwater and International Exploration. "With ownership in the successful Shenandoah wells, the adjacent Yucatan prospect, and the very encouraging results from the nearby Coronado well, Anadarko is strategically positioned in the Shenandoah Basin, which has the potential to become one of the most prolific new areas in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico."

The Shenandoah-2 well, located in Walker Ridge block 51, was drilled by the Ensco 8505 semisubmersible to a total depth of 31,405ft in approximately 5,800ft of water. The well sits more than 1 mile southwest and approximately 1,700ft structurally down-dip from the Shenandoah-1 discovery. Similar to the initial Shenandoah discovery well, log and pressure data from the Shenandoah-2 well indicate excellent-quality reservoir and fluid properties. The well was drilled to test the down-dip extent of the accumulation, and the targeted sands were full to base with no oil-water contact.

"We are incorporating the information obtained from Shenandoah-2 into our planning and anticipate further appraisal drilling to advance this potentially giant project," Daniels said.

Anadarko is the operator of the Shenandoah-2 well and the previously announced Shenandoah-1 discovery well, located in Walker Ridge block 52, with a 30% working interest. Other co-owners in Shenandoah are ConocoPhillips (30%), Cobalt (20%), Venari Resources LLC (10%), and Marathon Oil (10%).

Additionally, in the Shenandoah Basin, Anadarko has a 15% working interest in both the Coronado well, located in Walker Ridge block 98, and the Yucatan prospect, located in Walker Ridge block 95.

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