Offshore Natural Gas News - page 82


Spectrum starts Croatian seismic

Aug 12, 2013

Norway-based multi-client seismic services firm Spectrum is to acquire 2D seismic offshore Croatia ahead of the country’s latest licensing round. Spectrum will acquire the seismic data using Cyprus-based Seabird Exploration. Seabird will acquire about 12…

Hansa picks up gas field stakes

Aug 12, 2013

Hansa Hydrocarbons is to acquire stakes in three southern North Sea gas fields from a subsidiary of Noble Energy. Under an agreement with Noble Energy Capital Limited, it will gain 24% equity interest in the Malory field, 25% in the Guinevere field and 2% in the Lancelot field…

Emerson Acquires UK's Groveley Detection Ltd.

Aug 08, 2013

St. Louis, Missouri-based Emerson Process Management, a business of Emerson, acquired Groveley Detection Ltd., a leading innovator and developer of ultrasonic gas leak detection solutions for both offshore and onshore oil and gas installations…

Third US LNG terminal approved for exports

Aug 07, 2013

The BG Group and Southern Union-backed Lake Charles Exports LLC has received approval from the US Department of Energy (DOE) to export US-produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-Free Trade Agreement (FTA) countries. Lake Charles previously…

CCS site drilling completes

Aug 07, 2013

National Grid has completed appraisal drilling of a carbon dioxide storage site underneath the North Sea. It says the site, 65km off the Yorkshire coast, appeared viable for carbon dioxide storage and would be able to hold about 200 million tonnes…

Big numbers for Offshore Europe

Aug 07, 2013

Next month’s SPE Offshore Europe exhibition and conference will be the largest in the event’s history with more exhibiting companies and countries represented than ever before.  The sold-out exhibition halls, covering a record 27,082…

HRT targets Moosehead-1

Aug 07, 2013

HRT Participações em Petróleo has started drilling the Moosehead-1 exploration well offshore Namibia. The well (2713/16-1) is its the third offshore well in HRT's current exploration campaign. It is targeting the Moosehead prospect…

Relief well spud at South Timbalier 220

Aug 06, 2013

Drilling on a relief well at South Timbalier 220 in the US Gulf of Mexico began Sunday, August 4, using the Rowan EXL-3 jack-up rig, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) announced. On July 23, Walter Oil and Gas Corp…

Norvarg gas discovery 'extensive'

Jul 31, 2013

Appraisal drilling on the Barents Sea Norvarg gas discovery has confirmed the “extensive” nature of the field, it has been announced. The well (7225/3-2), in license PL 535 offshore Norway, was drilled in 377m deep water by Total using the Leiv Eiriksson semisubmersible drilling rig…

BP-led group takes control of Trans Asiatic Pipeline

Jul 30, 2013

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) announced today that BP Plc, Azeri SOCAR, France's Total SA, and Belgian Fluxys—members of the international consortium developing the giant Shah Deniz field in Azerbaijan—have exercised their option to join the Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP)…

Tunisia: Circle Oil increases offshore, onshore investments

Jul 29, 2013

Irish independent Circle Oil Plc announced today that its subsidiary, Circle Oil Tunisia Ltd., has increased its stake in the offshore Mahdia license to 100%, after acquiring the remaining 30% working interest from Tethys Oil & Mining Inc…

BG strikes more gas offshore Tanzania

Jul 29, 2013

BG Group has made another gas discovery on its latest exploration well offshore Tanzania, adding to the potential for LNG development in the country.  The Mkizi-1 well in Block 1, was drilled by the Deepsea Metro I drillship in 1301m deep water…

DCP for Malampaya

Jul 25, 2013

Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. awarded Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. a contract to install a Depletion Compression Platform (DCP) for the Malampaya Project off Palawan Island, in The Philippines. The contract is worth about US$60 million and will be completed in 2014.

BG finds Tanzania gas

Jul 25, 2013

BG Group has made a natural gas discovery in the Ngisi-1 well in Block 4 off Tanzania. The well, drilled by the Deepsea Metro 1 drillship, appraised the Chewa gas field resulting in an upgrade in estimated recoverable resources in the block…

Petrobras sets production records

Jul 25, 2013

Petrobras set a new presalt production record in May 2013 with output of 322,100bo/d, an 11,000bo/d increase from its previous record of 311,500bo/d set the prior month. The company also achieved record output in Espírito Santo, with a monthly average figure of 322…

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