FPSO Newbuild for Petrobras’ Búzios Field Taking Shape in China

Friday, July 12, 2024

China’s state-owned ZPMC Qidong Marine Engineering has launched the bow section of the P-82 floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit, being built by Seatrium for Petrobras’ Búzios field offshore Brazil.

The bow section of the N1151 (P-82) FPSO, said to be the world’s largest, exited the dock at ZPMC Qidong Marine Engineering in China on July 11.

The FPSO will be the 10th unit to be installed at Petrobras’ Búzios Field, following an order placed to Singapore’s Seatrium back in 2022.

The vessel has an overall length of 360 meters, a width of 60 meters, and a depth of 34.4 meters.

The steel structure of the hull weighs over 80,000 tonnes, making it the largest FPSO project in the world.

The vessel has a storage capacity of 1.6 million barrels of oil, with a daily production capacity of 225,000 barrels of oil and 12 million cubic meters of natural gas.

The FPSO is scheduled to start operating in 2026 at Búzios field, where Petrobras is the operator, having CNOOC and CNODC as partners.

Categories: Industry News Activity South America Asia Oil and Gas FPSOs

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