Offshore White Paper: Lower the Cost and Complexity of Collecting Subsea Data

Collecting subsea data is logistically complex. Traditional platforms come with high costs, challenging deployments, and constant maintenance, making it difficult for onsite engineers to access the offshore data they need to operate safely & efficiently.

Sofar Ocean’s new white paper reveals how their Spotter Platform simplifies subsea data collection by:

  • Significantly lowering the total cost of ownership for an offshore platform that collects real-time surface and subsurface data (waves, currents, acoustics, temperature, etc.).
  • Streamlining deployment of modular configurations that adapt to diverse offshore needs.
  • Enabling remote monitoring with real-time access to data via satellite and cellular.

Spotters collect data for environmental site assessments, turbine installations, port operations, and other offshore activities - all at a fraction of the cost of traditional platforms.

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