TotalEnergies Forms Consortium to Bid for Sites in Scotland Offshore Wind Round

Credit: jmclellon/AdobeStock
Credit: jmclellon/AdobeStock

France's TotalEnergies, Macquarie Group's Green Investment Group, and Scotland's Renewable Infrastructure Development Group said on Wednesday they will jointly bid for sites in Scotland’s next offshore wind leasing round.

The companies have joined together in a consortium called Offshore Wind Power Ltd to bid in the leasing round called ScotWind. An area of 8,600 km squared of Scottish seabed is potentially available for development.

The closing date for bids is July 16.

Offshore wind development could help Scotland meet its goal of generating half its overall energy consumption from renewable energy by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2045.

In February this year, the Green Investment Group and TotalEnergies successfully secured rights to a seabed lease in The Crown Estate’s England and Wales offshore wind leasing round to develop a 1.5-gigawatt offshore wind project.

(Reporting by Nina Chestney Editing by Bernadette Baum)

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