Rovco Tapped for Subsea Services at Beatrice Wind Farm

Credit: Rovco
Credit: Rovco

Rovco, a UK-based provider of ROV and hydrographic services, has signed a contract to carry out work on offshore wind farm Beatrice, the Scottish largest operational offshore wind farm.  

Rovco, which did not share the value of the contract, said it would carry out a campaign of inspection and survey work across nominated subsea jacket locations on the wind farm, including Export and Inter-Array cables to assist in informing the current condition and any potential maintenance planning at the site. 

The project will use the DPII vessel, Glomar Wave to deploy a WROV solution for asset and cable depth of burial inspections along with a hydrographic survey vessel from local supplier Moray First Marine Ltd, to support Rovco’s team while performing multibeam and scour assessment surveys.  

"From the start of the tender process to completion of the works offshore approximately 43 onshore and offshore personnel, made up of full time and contract positions will have worked on the delivery of the project for Rovco. Awards such as this from Beatrice, are enabling job retention, further growth of the company and full-time employment opportunities to be created, given follow-on work that will be required to maintain these assets and the expanding Scottish Wind Farm market in general," Rovco said.

Martin Sutherland, Site Operations Manager of Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, said “This is Rovco’s first year providing subsea inspections and surveys to Beatrice and I am pleased to say that it has been a successful first campaign. The cooperation between ROVCO and site operations team ensured safe and efficient execution of the inspection and survey campaign.

Simon Miller, Managing Director of Rovco, added, “We continue to support the growth of the Offshore Wind Farm industry across the UK. The welcome addition of Beatrice to our portfolio means we have now worked at over 50% of the operational projects in UK waters." 

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