North Sea drilling safety recognised

The IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) North Sea Chapter recognised the very best in safety performance at its annual Safety Awards Ceremony held in Aberdeen recently.

“The Safety Awards Dinner is our opportunity to applaud the continous efforts of our workforce who strive daily to achieve the safest working environment possible,” said North Sea Chapter Co-Chairman, Darren Sutherland of Prospector Offshore Drilling.

"This year’s event is particularly noteworthy as we celebrate the Chapter’s 40th anniversary and commemorate the 25th anniversary of Piper Alpha – a tragic event that initiated a significant overhaul of the North Sea safety regime.”

The current joint chairmen Gavin Sutherland of KCA Deutag Drilling and Darren Sutherland also spoke of the recent growth of activity in the North Sea and the ever increasing demand for skilled personnel.

Awards based on safety performance in 2012  were announced with Northern Offshore and Ensco winners in the Jack-ups category; Noble Drilling and Stena Drilling in the Semi-submersibles category; Archer in the Platforms; and Stena Drilling also winners in the Drillship category.

Merit Awards for outstanding safety performance over a number of years were presented for drilling operations on the Kvitebjorn (KCA Deutag), Veslefrikk B and Valhall IP (both Archer).  The Environmental Award went to KCA Deutag and the Associate Member Award was presented to ScanTech Offshore.

The Chairman’s Special Award which this year focussed on safety leadership went to Paul Ellis of Archer.

A former Chairman, Steve Rae, was the first recipient of the Val Hood Award for “Services to the Drilling Industry”.  

This Award will be presented annually in memory of Val Hood who had worked for the Chapter for 14 years and died last year.

The event, which also marked the 40th anniversary of the organisation, was attended by 400 IADC North Sea Chapter members and guests, including many of the past chairmen.

The event was hosted by broadcaster and Deacon Blue drummer Dougie Vipond with entertainment from Irish comedian Dara O’ Briain and funds raised on the evening will be donated to CLAN Cancer Support and Cancer Research UK. 

Captions: Steve Rae of Archer was the first winner of the Val Hood Award while colleague Paul Ellis, also of Archer won the Chairman’s Special Award

The full list of winners was as follows:

Best Safety Performance Awards 2012

  • Jack-ups, Under 1 million manhours, Winner, Northern Offshore
  • Jack-ups, Over 1 million manhours, Winner, Ensco
  • Semi-submersibles, Under500,000manhours, Winner, NobleDrilling
  • Under 500,000 manhours, Runner Up , KCA Deutag
  • Semi-submersibles, Over 500,000 manhours,  Winner, Stena Drilling
  • Platforms Winner, Archer
  • Drillships, Winner, Stena Drilling

Merit Awards

  • Outstanding Safety Performance Over 8 years Kvitebjorn, KCA Deutag
  • Outstanding Safety Performance Over 6 years Veslefrikk B, Archer
  • Outstanding Safety Performance Over 5 years Valhall IP, Archer

Associate Member Award: ScanTech Offshore

  • Environmental Award: KCA Deutag
  • Chairman’s Special Award: Paul Ellis, Archer
  • Val Hood Award: Steve Rae, Archer

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