Wood Group wins Peregrino maintenance

Wood Group has been chosen by Statoil to provide four-year operations and maintenance at the Peregrino field offshore Brazil.

The contract covers two wellhead platforms (Alpha and Bravo) and modification services for both units and the Peregrino FPSO. Wood Group has been operating the two wellhead platforms since 2009. The scope of work includes offshore services and covers all production processes and equipment except drilling services and introduces a new operating model for the field. Statoil says, for the first time, the company is bundling all these services in one single contract in order to boost integration and simplify the contract management.

Pål Eitrheim, Statoil’s senior vice president for Development Production International South America and Brazil Country Manager, says grouping these contracts in line with Statoil’s strategy of simplification, cost optimization and production efficiency.

“The bundling of the contracts will bring significant cost savings to Statoil Brazil, in addition to simplification to our operations. It’s essential to take the best of what the market can offer to us and further strengthen the relationship with our key suppliers,” says Jon Arnt Jacobsen, chief procurement officer, Statoil. 

The Peregrino heavy oil field, 85km offshore Brazil in the Campos basin, is Statoil's first and largest operatorship outside the Norwegian Continental Shelf. According to Brazilian regulator, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), Peregrino is Brazil's eighth largest field, and has the second heaviest oil ever produced in Brazil. It sits in licenses BMC-7 and BMC-47 at about 100m water depth. Statoil owns and operates with 60% interest. Its partner Sinochem holds the remaining 40%.

In August, Statoil achieved a production milestone at the field, producing 100 MMbo since startup in April 2011. The field currently produces about 90,000 b/d.

In February, Statoil and Sinochem announced it had submitted a US$3.5 billion development plan for the Peregrino Phase II project to ANP. The development plan calls for a new well head platform and drilling rig (Platform C) to tie back to the Peregino FPSO. The facilities will have standalone power generation and will export power to well head platform A. Statoil says this will add 250 MMbbl in recoverable resources at the field out to 2040. Phase II will also include a total of 21 wells, 15 oil producers and six water injectors. Statoil expects Phase II startup by the end of the decade. 

Image: Peregrino FPSO/Øyvind Hagen - Statoil ASA

Read more

Peregrino marks 100MMbo production

Statoil submits Peregrino II plan

Norwegian know-how

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