EMGS has signed a contract worth US$8 million with Maersk Oil Angola to carry out 3D electromagnetic data acquisition. It is expected the project will start this month, following mobilisation of the EM Leader vessel. “We are excited…
BP has selected a new head of exploration to replace Mike Daly, who is leaving BP at the end of 2013 after 28 years with the company. Richard Herbert returns to BP after serving as executive vice president at Talisman Energy since 2009…
Roc Oil Company Limited, a subsidiary of ROC, announced the completion of its 162 sq km 3D ocean bottom cable (OBC) seismic campaign in the 09/05 exploration license, located in the Bohai Bay offshore China. With the data received, seismic…
A busy 2013 seismic acquisition season is continuing in the Barents Sea, with CGG announcing the completion of its second Broadseis campaign and Dolphin Geophysical launching a new survey. The increase in seismic acquisition activity in the area…
Panoro Energy ASA commenced a 3D seismic acquisition program in the Dussafu block off Gabon. The work will be carried out by Polarcus and is planned to cover an area of approximately 1260 km2 in the outboard part of the Dussafu license. The…
Tanzania’ government has announced that the delayed 4th Licensing Round is to be launched later this month. Seven deepwater offshore blocks and the Lake Tanganyika North offshore block will be available in the round, to be launched in Tanzania’s capital Dar es Salaam…
Paris-based CGGVeritas has an agreement to purchase Fugro’s geoscience division, excluding the existing multi-client library and nodes businesses, for €1.2 billion (US$1.6 billion) cash. The gross amount of the transaction is €1.2 billion…
Electromagnetic Geoservices (EMGS) received a letter of intent for approximately one month of 3D EM acquisition in Malaysia. The survey will be performed using the vessel BOA Thalassa, which is expected to complete its current work program in Brunei by mid-October…
Thalassa has agreed a deal to buy Go Science for £3.6 million from administrators. Go Science, which employs six people, provides mobile sensor grid services and products, in the UK and overseas, to the oil and gas, defense and homeland security sectors…
BP has announced a deepwater gas discovery in the East Nile Delta offshore Egypt. Wireline logs, fluid samples and pressure data confirmed the presence of gas and condensate in 38m net of Oligocene sands. The company says the well…
During the last 10 years, the oil and gas industry has seen significant developments in seismic acquisition strategies, pushing the boundaries imposed by the technical limits of conventional 3D marine acquisition using narrow-azimuth towed streamers…
Standard coring methods often yield incomplete reservoir fluid information. Doug Kinsella, managing director of Corpro, describes a new coring system that provides better information while saving rig time. Deepwater finds are now playing a crucial role in replacing global reserves…
Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) provides this film featuring 3D EM vessels the BOA Thalassa and BOA Galatea at work as crews ready deployment of a receiver to the seabed surface.
SeaBird Exploration Plc's Northern Explorer was awarded a contract in the Mediterranean. The contract has an estimated duration of 150 days, including mobilization from South Africa, and is valued at about US $10.5 million.
Shales are very fine-grained, clastic rocks that lose porosity through compaction. Sedimentary basins typically contain about 70% shale, Figure 1. Quantifying shale properties helps with predrill geologic and seismic interpretation, basin modeling…