Fishing News


U.S. Looking at Ways to Compensate Fishing Industry for Offshore Wind Impacts

Jul 29, 2021

The Biden administration is considering ways to ensure the U.S. commercial fishing industry is paid for any losses it incurs from the planned expansion of offshore wind power in the Atlantic Ocean, according to state and federal officials involved in the matter, [Reuters reported in an exclusive on Thursday.]Discussions between state and federal officials, which participants described as being at a very early stage…

In Case Affecting Oil, Norway Supreme Court Says EU Ships Cannot Fish Arctic Snow Crab

Mar 20, 2023

OSLO, March 20 (Reuters) - Norway's Supreme Court ruled on Monday that EU ships cannot fish for snow crab off the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic in a case also deciding who has the right to explore for oil and minerals in the region.At stake…

KFO Fishermen to Have a Say in Irish Floating Wind Project. IFSA Chair Blasts the Deal

Jun 29, 2022

An interesting agreement has been signed in Ireland under which a local fishermen organizatino KFO will have a say in the development of an offshore wind project development in Ireland, dubbed one of the top five emerging markets for offshore wind…

NOAA Begins New England Offshore Study

Mar 16, 2020

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries has started a study of Atlantic cod and other commercial fish in Southern New England to gather data on the potential impact of offshore wind development on the species.As part of the three-year study…

NYSERDA Selects 5 Offshore Wind Projects

Aug 08, 2019

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has selected five multiyear projects that will further study environmental and commercial fishing topics in support of responsibly developing offshore wind.The projects totaling more than $2 million advance Governor Andrew M…

Ørsted Collaborates with US Fishing Coalition on Offshore Wind

Jan 17, 2019

Global developer of offshore wind farms Ørsted U.S. Offshore Wind has entered into a partnership agreement with Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) to improve communications between the seafood industry and offshore wind energy developers…

Current News

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Nexif Ratch Energy’s 500MW Offshore Wind Farm in Philippines Gets Gov Backing

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