Offshore ROV & Dive Support News - page 19

DeepOcean, BG Group sign five-year IMR contract

Jun 16, 2015

BG Group awarded DeepOcean a five-year inspection, maintenance, and repair (IMR) contract. The contract covers all ROV-based IMR work for BG Group on its UK and Norwegian subsea assets. DeepOcean will use vessels from its North Sea-based fleet for work under this contract…

Ocean Installer bags Balder deal

Jun 16, 2015

ExxonMobil awarded Ocean Installer its first call-off contract for subsea well tie-back, engineering, IRM (inspection, maintenance and repair), ROV and associated services at the Balder field. The Normand Mermaid…

J2 Subsea opens subsea tooling facility

Jun 15, 2015

J2 Subsea opened a new subsea tooling facility at sister Acteon company, Seatronics’, subsea electronics location in Houston. The new facility marks the next stage in J2 Subsea’s global expansion plan. North American customers can…

Energean in Greek 3D seismic survey

Jun 15, 2015

Energean Oil & Gas announced that it is to conduct a new 3D seismic survey over the Prinos oil field and its surrounding licenses, in the Gulf of Kavala, northeastern Greece. The 3D survey will cover an area of 400sq km and will last approximately three weeks…

FPSO market to reach US$8.65 billion in 2015

Jun 11, 2015

The global capital spending on newbuild and converted floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels could reach US$8.65 billion this year, according to consultancy firm Visiongain.  The largest spend will be focused on offshore…

Delta SubSea, Zerlux sign laser technology MOU

Jun 10, 2015

Delta SubSea signed a memorandum of understanding with Zerlux Hungary to intensify collaboration on laser based hydrate remediation technology.  Laser based hydrate remediation technology uses “focused warming” to create a relief path…

Current currency

Jun 08, 2015

The success of MeyGen will help lay the ground work for the future of the tidal power industry. The CEO of the company behind it, Atlantis Resources, believes he has the recipe for success. Elaine Maslin reports. Tim Cornelius…

Seanic field tests torque tool

Jun 05, 2015

Seanic Ocean Systems has successfully field tested its electric torque tool. The client, a major oil company in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, has reported highly accurate performance of the torque tool and innovative design features over the course of several jobs…

BOURBON completes pipelay operation

Jun 03, 2015

BOURBON completed laying 30 tons of submarine cable as part of the Sabella D10 project off the island of Ushant, part of Brittany, France. The cable will link the Sabella D10 tidal turbine to the Ushant power grid. Utilizing a Falcon series ROV and the support vessel Argonaute…

CT Offshore launches subsea trencher ROV

Jun 02, 2015

CT Offshore will deploy its new trencher remotely operated vehicle (ROV), the CTO 107-1100, in June at DONG Energy’s Gode Wind 1 + 2 Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea off Germany. The CTO 107-1100…

Closing Mexico’s deepwater gap

Jun 01, 2015

Following Mexico’s historic energy reforms, Fernando C. Hernandez of Reaching Ultra, discusses what is still needed in order to make Mexico a major deepwater player. Fig. 2: The Perdido Hub as seen from a crew boat…

Blaze on Fugro Symphony vessel

May 20, 2015

Fugro confirmed that a fire broke out on its Fugro Symphony survey vessel as it was docked at the Peterhead Harbour in the UK. Image of the Fugro Symphony. From Fugro Subsea. The fire broke out early Wednesday morning around 2:30 a…

Unique Group delivers Vaila to Aberdeen

May 14, 2015

Unique Group, one of the world’s leading integrated turnkey subsea and offshore solution providers, delivered two new dive systems and a diving vessel worth around £5million to global services provider, Vertech. The Hydracraft 1500 Daughter Craft vessel…

Delta SubSea gets Olympic Delta vessel

May 11, 2015

Delta SubSea entered into an agreement with Olympic Shipping for the Olympic Delta, a newly built multipurpose subsea support and construction vessel. Image of the Olympic Delta. From Delta SubSea…

GE, Enpro Subsea in well intervention MOU

May 11, 2015

GE Oil & Gas and Enpro Subsea entered in an agreement to jointly market and provide fluid intervention services that offer oil and gas operators a cost-effective way to improve production rates in producing wells. The companies have signed…

Current News

Malaysia's Petronas Plans Job Cuts

Louis Dreyfus, Tidal Transit JV to Supply CTV for French Offshore Wind Farm

RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm to Help Balance German Power Grid

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling Ops Offshore Namibia

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