Offshore Energy News - page 720

Reports point to brisk UK activity

Aug 01, 2012

Overall, total capital investment on developing UK oil & gas reserves rose by 40% to £8.5 billion in 2011, according to Oil & Gas UK's 2012 Economic Report. Confirmation in the 2012 UK Budget of measures to promote activity in a targeted way…

Mexico's chief regulator hopeful despite disappointing bid round

Aug 01, 2012

Mexico's latest licensing round only the second in state oil company Pemex's long history, made possible by recent exploration & production contract reforms failed to draw a successful bid for the offshore blocks on offer. Russell McCulley talks to Juan Carlos Zepeda Molina…

Statoil sets sights on the Paleogene

Aug 01, 2012

Statoil may not have the biggest R&D budget, but company officials say the operator's technological track record on the Norwegian continental shelf will help it push recovery rates to new highs and create the first subsea factory, including seafloor separation…

Subsea heading further, deeper, colder

Aug 01, 2012

At a recent Bergen conference showcasing the strength in depth of Norway's subsea industry, Statoil EVP Øystein Michelsen challenged delegates to work with his company in developing the technology to go further, deeper and colder and seize the…

Open markets key to stability

Jul 01, 2012

Open markets can be a powerful ally for a world seeking to manage short-term disruptions to energy supply and meet long-term demand, BP group chief executive Bob Dudley declared at the June launch of the BP Statistical Review of World Energy…

US exploration spending, reserves rebound

Jul 01, 2012

The US oil & gas industry grew across several categories in 2011, including a 38% increase in exploration and development spending, according to new analysis from Ernst & Young. Russell McCulley reports.While total capital expenditures among…

Working out worst-case discharges

Jul 01, 2012

Regulatory enhancements prompted by the macondo disaster now require operators to submit a worst-case discharge (WCd) scenario report prior to obtaining a drilling permit in US offshore fields. How to model WCd for offshore wells in compliance…

Subsea tiebacks struggle from Macondo's grip

Jun 01, 2012

OE's latest review of deepwater subsea tieback projects ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico shows the region is still suffering from the after-effects of the drilling moratorium that followed in the April 2010 Macondo disaster's wake. Jennifer Pallanich…

Oil & gas spending set for record highs

Jun 01, 2012

Total spending for upstream oil & gas will hit nearly $1.3 trillion this year, led by a robust North American market, according to a new report by IHS.Driven by strong oil prices and the North American unconventional gas boom, global upstream…

Mixed outlook for M&A

Jun 01, 2012

Despite higher oil prices, improving access to capital, increasing economic optimism and a generally more favorable deal environment, oil & gas executives are still cautious about engaging in M&A, according to Ernst & Young's sixth Global Capital Confidence Barometer…

FMC answers prelude call to arms

Jun 01, 2012

Having secured agreements to provide subsea and topsides equipment for Shell's massive Prelude floating LNG development, FMC Technologies recently revealed details of the FLNG unit's offshore loading arm systems. In Houston, Russell McCulley discusses the technology with FMC's Laurent Poidevin…

FLNG: an industry game changer?

Jun 01, 2012

The potential of floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) developments as an energy sector game changer is discussed here by MSC Kenny's Paul Jukes and Wood Group Mustang's Bryan Trocquet.According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)…

Energy policy looms large in Mexico election

Jun 01, 2012

Mexicans go to the polls 1 July to elect a new president and congress. Polls suggest big gains for the institutional Revolutionary Party which dominated post-revolutionary Mexican politics for seven decades. Will a new administration have the…

BP burnishes safety image

Jun 01, 2012

Two years after Macondo, BP launched an all-out effort at OTC 2012 to demonstrate its commitment to safety and to its future in the Gulf of Mexico. Russell McCulley reports.Among the many legacies of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout is what's…

Arctic cap fits

Jun 01, 2012

A fit-for-purpose capping stack designed to cope with Alaska’s environmental extremes will play a key role in the US Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)-compliant containment system Shell Exploration & Production has put together…

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