A floating production (FPSO) vessel moored over the Bualuang oil field in the Gulf of Thailand damaged a production riser after drifting off station in bad weather. The Rubicon Vantage FPSO drifted into the exclusion zone designed to protect the production infrastructure…
The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, and Petrobras CEO, Maria das Graças Silva Foster, attended the work completion ceremony for the P-62 platform on 17 Dec 2013, at the Atlântico Sul Shipyard, in Ipojuca (state of Pernambuco). Before the ceremony…
On 4 Dec 2013, OGX Petroleo e Gas SA , Brazil's second-largest oil company by market value, began production in the Tubarão Martelo field, located in the BM-C-39 and BM-C-40 blocks, through the horizontal well TBMT-8H. On 29 Nov 2013…
Milan-based Saipem announced an agreement with Eni for the sale of the Firenze FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) business line for €336 million (US$464 million). The agreement includes the Firenze FPSO unit, the on-board processing plan…
EOC Ltd. announced that its Perisai Kamelia FPSO successfully completed startup and commissioning at Hess' Kamelia field in the North Malay Basin, offshore Malaysia. The FPSO is under contract to fast-track natural gas production at the field…
Chevron and its partners on the multi-billion dollar Rosebank development in the UK North Sea have revealed they are going back to the drawing board on the project. Partner OMV said, at its annual media summit today in Vienna, that it had “been vocal” to Chevron…
Eni Norge provides this video clip of the living quarters being lifted into place at the Goliat FPSO. Lifting the modules, required the use of a crane with the capacity to lift 1.6 million kg, ENI said. The five-level living quarters modules weighed 1100 tonnes…
Angus Lugsdin, business development manager at Tritech International, outlined the value of multibeam sonar technology for real-time integrity monitoring at a technical session on structural integrity at Aberdeen’s Offshore Europe Conference in September…
Subsea 7 demonstrates the effectiveness of pipeline bundle solutions and a subsea depressor device in the North Sea. By Meg Chesshyre “Subsea 7 is currently experiencing the busiest period of bundle design/installation activity ever…
Innovation was a key theme at the opening plenary at OTC Brasil 2013 this week. Renato Bertani, CEO of Barra Energia do Brasil and president of the World Petroleum Council discussed how innovation has changed the oil and gas industry for the better…
Petrobras, the operator for the BM-S-9 consortium, announced that the company's affiliate, Guará BV, has signed a letter of intent to charter, through Modec Inc. and Schahin Petróleo e Gás S.A., an FPSO for use in production development of the pre-salt layer in the Carioca area…
Petrobras’ P-55 Floating Production Unit (FPU), the largest and the first of this kind entirely built in Brazil, is on its way to the Roncador field, Campos basin, where it will be installed in a water depth of 1,790m. The column-stabilized semisubmersible has a capacity of 180…
Subsea 7 on Cardona Subsea 7 was awarded a contract worth more than US$70 million by Stone Energy for Cardona field in the US GOM. Scope includes engineering, procurement, installation, and flowlines commissioning, risers, pipeline structures…
Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) completed its semisubmersible P-55 floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel nearly six years after it was contracted. It passed testing and certification in the Rio Grande dock (ERG-1). The…
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) awarded VWS MPP Systems, a subsidiary of Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, a contract to supply a macro porous polymer extraction water purification (MPPE) unit for the Ichthys LNG project FPSO…