Pipe News


JIP assesses polymer lined pipe

Feb 19, 2015

A joint industry project (JIP) has been launched between Swagelining, Saudi Aramco and The Welding Institute (TWI) to conduct investigations into the use of polymer lining in carbon steel pipelines. The JIP will examine the extent of…

Russia looks to substitute technology imports

Dec 29, 2014

Russian gas giant Gapzrom is to work with state-owned RUSNANO, a nanotechnology technology commercialization outfit, to develop new technologies and help substitute imported products into Gazprom's production facilities.  The firm has also signed agreements with Russian pipe manufacturers…

Current News

Malaysia's Petronas Plans Job Cuts

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RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm to Help Balance German Power Grid

RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling Ops Offshore Namibia

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