BSEE Announces $3 Million for Decommissioning Orphaned Offshore Infrastructure

© Roman Krochuk / Adobe Stock
© Roman Krochuk / Adobe Stock

U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Director Kevin Sligh announced a $3 million investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help reduce the risk of pollution from orphaned infrastructure on the federal Outer Continental Shelf. The funding will specifically support BSEE decommissioning service contracts in the Matagorda Island lease area in the Gulf of Mexico. The funds are part of a nearly $64 million commitment from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to address orphaned oil and gas wells on public lands announced by the Department of the Interior.

“The funding announced under the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is critical for helping BSEE leverage available funds to tackle the backlog of decommissioning orphaned infrastructure offshore in the Gulf of Mexico,” said Director Sligh. “If not properly decommissioned, offshore oil and gas infrastructure can become safety hazards, cause environmental harm, or interfere with navigation, fishing, or other uses of the Outer Continental Shelf.”

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is delivering the largest investment in tackling legacy pollution in American history, including through a $4.7 billion investment to plug orphaned oil and gas wells.

BSEE said it  plans to award contracts to address nine orphan wells and associated pipelines and platforms in the Matagorda Island lease area, approximately 12 miles off the Texas coast. The initial contract will address the most immediate and urgent needs to reduce the risk of safety incidents and pollution in preparation for well-plugging operations.

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