Viking Supply Ships to Charter Two Ocean Yield AHTS Vessels. Purchase Options Included

©Solstad Offshore
©Solstad Offshore

Anchor handling specialist Viking Supply Ships will take two Ocean Yield-owned AHTS vessels, Far Senator and Normand Statesman, on bareboat charters for a period of five years. 

The vessels have since October 2020 been on a charter with Normand Chartering, a subsidiary of the Norwegian offshore vessel firm Solstad Offshore ASA. Solstad said it would redeliver the vessels to Ocean Yield at the end of their current commitments. 

Viking Supply Ships said in a separate statement that it would, as part of the deal with Ocean Yield, have purchase options during the charter period, and an obligation to purchase the vessels at the end of the charter period if requested by Ocean Yield AS. 

Viking Supply Ships said it would take over the vessels when they go off their current charter contracts, which is expected to happen at the latest during the summer for Far Senator and late fall this year for Normand Statesman.

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