TDI-Brooks Hires Byno

Richard Byno (Photo: TDI-Brooks International)
Richard Byno (Photo: TDI-Brooks International)

Offshore geochemical exploration and heat flow measurement company TDI-Brooks International said it has haired Richard Byno III, PMP, as Director of Marine Operations.

Byno joins TDI-Brooks with more than 17 years or operations experience, having most recently most recently worked at the Department Of Defense, where he served as a high-level strategic senior military advisor providing guidance to the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community and Executive Branch.

He previously served in the U.S. Marine Corps where he was a Member of a Marine Special Operations Command team in which he performed airborne and combat dive operations, air reconnaissance, and direct action in regions of Iraq, Afghanistan and northern Africa. He received an Honorable Discharge in October of 2006. 

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