Gas Discovery at Toro

Woodside announced that the Toro-1 exploration well in permit WA-430-P has intersected approximately 150m gross gas and 65m net gas within the Mungaroo Formation target.

The Toro-1 well was drilled to a total depth of 3724m, referenced from the rig rotary table, by the Transocean Deepwater Millenium drillship. Following drilling, wireline logging has been conducted and confirmed the presence of a gas column through pressure measurements and gas sampling. The well will now be plugged and abandoned as planned.

The Toro-1 exploration well is part of Woodside’s Exmouth Sub-basin Gas Well Program which is comprised of two exploratory wells, Toro and Sedan, along with one gas appraisal well, Ragnar. Toro is located in Western Australia’s Exmouth Sub-Basin and is within 22km of Woodside’s existing Ragnar-1A discovery.

In February 2012, Woodside drilled the Ragnar-1A appraisal well to a depth of 1190m. The Ragnar-1A well is located in permit WA-430-P and intersected 190m of gross gas.

Woodside is the operator and 70% equity owner of WA-430-P. Mitsui E&P Australia has the remaining 30% equity.

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