Damen completes Vole au vent modifications

Image of the Vole au ven jackup, from Damen.

Damen Shiprepair & Conversion (DSC) completed work in Vlissingen on Jan de Nul Group’s Vole au vent jackup, a 140m vessel built specifically for the installation of the latest generation of offshore wind turbines.

The Vole au vent arrived at Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen (DSVI) late in 2016 after working on the Nobelwind offshore wind farm off the coast of Belgium. The vessel came to DSVl for modifications necessary for her second phase on the Nobelwind project; the installation of the WTG scope. These required the demobilization of its existing equipment used for the foundation campaign and the installation of a new configuration for the WTG installation phase.

Over the course of two weeks, the 3400sq m main deck was cleared of equipment and temporary structures and restored to its clean, completely flush layout. This allows it to accommodate wind turbine installation equipment and components, towers and blades for its next deployment off the coast of Belgium. DSVl also fabricated and installed some new deck structures including grillages for the transport of the WTG towers and nacelles, says DSC. 

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