Lamprell delivers 9th rig to Lamprell

Lamprell has completed construction on the final jackup drilling rig in a series of nine, the Al Lulu, and delivered it to Abu Dhabi’s National Drilling Company (NDC), within budget and on schedules.

The contract for the NDC Al Lulu rig was awarded in April 2015, one of only three rig orders awarded that year. All nine rigs have been designed according to the Cameron LeTourneau Super 116E (Enhanced) Class design and were completed to the highest standards of quality using the latest in drilling system technology.

Completion and delivery of the jackup rig was marked at an inauguration ceremony held at Lamprell’s Hamriyah facility in the UAE on 27 April and the rig will depart to its drilling location in Abu Dhabi shortly.

Rig Al Lulu is the 21st 116E jackup drilling unit that Lamprell has delivered since its listing in 2006 and the 28th jackup drilling rig in total.

NDC Chief Executive Officer, Abdalla Saeed Al Suwaidi, said: “These rigs are equipped with innovative technology including joy stick operated cyber chairs with integrated equipment consoles for the rig operators and are designed to suit the specific needs of Abu Dhabi. Their flexibility caters to the wide-range of drilling operation requirements of our clients, which enables greater efficiency and helps further improve the profitability of ADNOC Group companies.”

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