Offshore Drilling News - page 373


UK well services sector at record high

May 24, 2013

UK North Sea spending on well services has reached an all time high, according to a survey by industry body Oil & Gas UK.  Its well well services sector report, based on a survey carried out since 1996, showed companies delivering drilling…

Carlsberg wildcat bites dust

May 23, 2013

Lundin Norway AS completed drilling on wildcat well 7/4-3, 24 km north of the Brynhild field in the southern part of the North Sea. Lundin plugged and abandoned the well as a dry hole. Drilled by the Maersk Guardian to a vertical depth of 2957 m below sea surface…

Brazil in progress

May 23, 2013

Brazil is a veritable diamond in the rough for foreign and local investors alike. Firms are investing in new centers of technology, fabrication, and worker training to alleviate the country’s skills and infrastructure difficulties. Brazil is very much the place to be at the moment…

Genel taps AGR for well management

May 23, 2013

Global oil services provider AGR Petroleum Services has signed an £18 million ($US 27.1 million) contract with Genel Energy to deliver well management services for Genel Energy’s North and West Africa offshore drilling campaign.  The contract…

Statoil secures permit off Norway

May 22, 2013

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate awarded Statoil AS a drilling permit for well 6608/11-8, production license 128 in the Norwegian Sea, the agency announced on May 22, 2013. The well will be drilled from the Songa Trym drilling facility at position 66° 07' 39…

Noble confirms Karish find

May 22, 2013

Noble Energy confirmed that it has made a natural gas discovery at the Karish prospect off Israel. The Karish discovery well, located in the Alon C license 20 miles northeast of Tamar field, encountered 184ft of net natural gas pay in high-quality lower Miocene sands…

South Pars to get $16B investment

May 21, 2013

Iran will invest US$16 billion to develop the offshore South Pars gas complex over the next 10 months, a natural gas company director said. Pars Oil and Gas Co. Managing Director Mohammadreza Zahiri said that most of the funding will come from domestic sources…

Coiled tubing use extends offshore productivity

May 20, 2013

New uses for present technology with new equipment to further effectiveness The Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference, sponsored by ICoTA, the Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association, was held in late March in The Woodlands Conference Center north of Houston…

PA Resources hits oil at Carla South

May 20, 2013

The Carla South I-7 ST-1 sidetrack to the I-7 exploration well in Block I has encountered oil in good quality sandstones. The sidetrack in Block I in Equatorial Guinea has reached a total measured depth of 3,460 m. Drill cuttings, wireline…

New drilling fluid offers environmental advantages

May 17, 2013

Environmental regulation has made drilling fluid selection increasingly difficult. Dr. James Gaertner describes a new water-based mud that balances performance and compliance. There are two things the oil and gas industry can be certain of moving forward…

North Sea drilling safety recognised

May 17, 2013

The IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) North Sea Chapter recognised the very best in safety performance at its annual Safety Awards Ceremony held in Aberdeen recently. “The Safety Awards Dinner is our opportunity…

Gas find for Noble at Karish 1

May 17, 2013

Noble Energy has found 'significant signs of gas' on the Karish 1 well 75km north west of Haifi in Israeli waters, according to partners on the project. Delek Group said, according to information from Noble, 60ft of natural gas bearing…

Energean to explore Greece

May 16, 2013

Mediterranean-focussed oil and gas explorer Energean Oil & Gas is seeking to increase its exploration and production plans offshore Greece after a cash injection. The firm has had a cash injection of $60million from the newly-created Third Point Hellenic Recovery Fund…

Chevron hits Coronado pay

May 15, 2013

Chevron encountered more than 400ft of net oil pay at its deepwater Coronado well No. 1 in the US Gulf of Mexico. Coronado comprises Walker Ridge Block 98. The No. 1 well is located approximately 190 miles off the Louisiana coast in 6,127ft of water…

Lengo-2 drill stem test achieves 21.2 mmscf/d

May 14, 2013

Lengo-2 drill stem test achieves 21.2 mmscf/d AWE Limited (ASX: AWE) reports that a second successful Drill Stem Test (DST) has been conducted at the Lengo-2 appraisal well, offshore Indonesia, achieving a maximum gas flow rate of 21…

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RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm to Help Balance German Power Grid

RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling Ops Offshore Namibia

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling

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