As part of President Obama’s comprehensive Climate Action Plan to create American jobs, develop domestic clean energy resources and cut carbon pollution, Sally Jewell, US secretary of the Interior and Abigail Ross Hopper, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) director…
DONG Energy signed an agreement to divest 50% of the 330 MW German offshore wind construction project, Gode Wind 1, to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) for a total of approximately US$884 million (€ 780 million), which will be paid in the period 2015 to 2016…
ABB installed the world's most powerful offshore converter platform, the DolWin2, in the North Sea by ABB, with a transmission capacity that can power more than 1 million households with clean wind energy. The 320-kilovolt converter station…
SMD is set to contribute to a major offshore wind research project lead by The University of Dundee. The project will look to determine whether cheaper, more environmentally friendly and more effective foundations can be developed for the offshore renewables industry…
DONG Energy and ESG have just completed what they have described as the largest testing of wind turbine piles completed. DONG Energy and ESG tested 28 piles on two different onshore sites in order to assist the development of new design methods for offshore wind farms…
The Gemini wind park in the Dutch sector of the North Sea has broken financing and renewables project size records. Elaine Maslin takes a look. An artists’ illustration of the Gemini wind park offshore Netherlands…
DONG Energy inaugurated its Westermost Rough offshore wind farm last month on 1 July 2015. Westermost Rough is located 8km from the Holderness coast, approximately 25km north of Spurn Head at the River Humber estuary. Westermost…
Image: wind turbines at sea/iStock DONG Energy acquired the Hornsea zone and the project rights to Hornsea Project Two and Three, which have the potential of 3 gigawatts (GW) offshore wind capacity…
In this video, Aibel shows the DolWin beta converter platform leaving Aibel's yard in Haugesund, Norway on its way to be installed in the DolWin wind cluster in the German North Sea. The platform concept is based on experience from the oil and gas sector…
The UK will remain the leading offshore wind power market globally by 2025, with its installed capacity increasing from 4.5GW in 2014 to 23.2GW by the end of the forecast period, representing an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30…
Fugro is now offering cable-lay in addition to trenching to its offshore windfarm and tidal energy clients. The company has equipped its trenching vessel Fugro Saltire with a compact, custom-made, cable-lay spread. This comprises a reel drive system to store the cables…
The French government is planning to launch a tender for several pilot floating offshore wind farms, Reuters reports. Matthieu Monnier, head of offshore wind at France Energie Eolienne (FEE) was reported as saying he expected two-three…
Two firms have signed a memorandum of understanding to co-development an up to 870 MW offshore wind farm in the North Irish Sea offshore Ireland. The firms, Oriel Windfarm and Gaelectric Holdings hope to start the development with a 15 MW demonstration project…
Seismic vessels are the lifeblood of global offshore exploration efforts. Jeannie Stell searches for bright spots in the current global market of seismic vessel activity. The Sanco Sword. From Dolphin Geophysical…
DONG Energy has decided to construct Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm, located in the Greater Wash area, approximately 27km off the east coast of Britain.The project will span approximately 29sq mi and is due to be operational by 2018. Race…