All Inter-Array Cables Laid at Dogger Bank’s First 1.2GW Phase

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Deme Offshore has laid all inter-array cables, manufactured by its partner Hellenic Cables, for the first phase of 3.6 GW Dogger Bank offshore wind farm in UK.

More than 200 miles of 66KV inter-array cables have been successfully installed by delivery partners working on the construction of the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

The cables were laid by DEME Offshore’s Viking Neptun, with burial works being completed by DEME Offshore’s Living Stone.

This work marks the completion of all inter-array cables on the first phase of the wind farm, Dogger Bank A, which began generating power in October 2023.

The network of 95 cables in a multitude of lengths up to 8.6 miles, will connect Dogger Bank A’s 95 Haliade-X 13MW turbines to the Dogger Bank A offshore convertor station.

From here the electricity is converted into direct current for transmission to Dogger Bank A’s onshore convertor station via a pioneering HVDC system.

The laying of cables has been carried out using a specialist cable lay vessel that uses a carousel and tensioner device, to deploy cable over the stern chute of the vessel and onto the surface of the seabed.

The second stage involves connecting the cable to the offshore platform as well as each individual wind turbine.

Hellenic Cables and Deme Offshore are also responsible for the manufacture and installation of inter-array cables for Dogger Bank B and C, each rated at 1.2 GW. The first inter-array cable for Dogger Bank B is expected to be installed from autumn 2024.

“With 277 cables to be installed in total, it’s by far the biggest inter-array cable installation program undertaken to date in offshore wind,” said Alan Evans, Dogger Bank Wind Farm Marine Package Manager.

“This has provided a solid and reliable basis for the upcoming Dogger Bank B phase and, subsequently, the Dogger Bank C phase. We are excited to continue our strong working relationship on Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C,” added Geert Linthout, Project Director – DEME offshore.

Categories: Offshore Vessels Offshore Energy Renewable Energy Subsea Industry News Activity Europe Offshore Wind

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