Rovco Completes Decom Deal with Well-Safe Solutions

Monday, February 20, 2023

Rovco completed a contract awarded by Well-Safe Solutions to support its well plug and abandonment decommissioning operations in the Southern North Sea. This is the second contract Rovco has secured with Well-Safe Solutions, having previously performed survey work on an abandoned subsea wellhead in UK waters in 2021.

During the project, which mobilized in July, Rovco provided Well-Safe Solutions with field survey operations, to decommission a platform which ceased production in 2015. Earlier this year, Well-Safe Solutions signed an agreement with Ithaca Energy to plug and abandon six wells on the platform. Work being carried out by Well-Safe Solutions will continue into 2023.

The project used the VOS Star, on charter from Vroon, equipped as standard with Seaeye Leopard work-class ROVs, fitted with multi-beam echo sounders, the highest quality 4K stereo cameras, manipulators, recovery basket and photogrammetry technology to carry out specialist hydrographic surveys and underwater asset inspections.

As part of the project, Rovco supported the client with debris survey and clearance solutions in water depths of 20 to 30 meters, as well as habitat characterization surveys to mitigate risk and eliminate uncertainty about seabed conditions prior to the client deploying a jack-up vessel at the site.

Using its SubSLAM X2 technology, Rovco also performed jacket inspection operations, providing highly detailed 3D models of the platform footings to precisely identify any scouring across the structure. Powered by Rovco’s sister company Vaarst, SubSLAM X2 produces 3D reconstructions of underwater assets in real-time, from which users can take measurements with sub-millimetric accuracy. Mounted on an ROV, travelling dynamically at general visual inspection speed, SubSLAM’s ability to zoom in, rotate and fly means that it can provide full coverage of a structure from all angles, as well as the seabed and surrounding environment.

Categories: Engineering Subsea Industry News Decommissioning

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