CGG Delivers Data from Agata Reimaging for Brazil Project

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

CGG delivered the fast-track data from its Agata Reimaging program over the Agata block in the Santos Basin, a highly prolific area of Brazil’s offshore pre-salt. The ultramodern reimaged seismic data set covering over 9,300 sq km will provide valuable information to oil and gas companies wishing to evaluate acreage and assess the potential of the Agata block, prior to Brazil’s upcoming 7th Production Sharing Bidding Round.

The Agata prospect is composed of ultra-deep pre-salt targets located below a highly deformed salt layer. Imaging in this area is particularly challenging due to the complexity of the salt geometry combined with an entangled network of igneous rocks in the post-salt associated with the Cabo Frio High volcanic activity. CGG’s Agata Reimaging program is designed to improve the base of salt continuity, lateral coherence and overall resolution to deliver superior images that minimize risk and provide a better understanding of the exploratory potential in this new frontier area.

The Agata program reimages CGG’s legacy Santos VII broadband multi-client data set with the very latest proprietary processing technologies. 

These include inter-bed multiple attenuation and Time-Lag FWI, that were not available at the time of the legacy imaging and can better address the complexities of the area. The integrated project team also includes geologists who are providing expertise for salt scenario testing and detailed interpretation.  

Fast-track products are now available and final migrations, including a TTI Kirchhoff and 45Hz RTM, are underway. The final migrations are being processed in two phases. Phase I will be available in May, providing approximately 2,373 square kilometers of data directly over the Agata block in preparation for Round 7.  Phase II will incorporate the remaining 7,007 sq km of the project area with final migrations for the full program expected in August 2021.

Categories: Technology Offshore Energy Geoscience South America Geophysics Seismic Hydrography Data

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