Offshore Geoscience News - page 112

Spending slowdown hits geoscience

Jul 10, 2014

Weakening spending by E&P majors, particularly on seismic is being felt in the geoscience sector, with Dutch geoscience and geotechnical services firm Fugro revealing a potential Eur300-350 million non-cash impairment in its geoscience division today…

NJ in court to stop seismic surveys

Jul 09, 2014

New Jersey is moving to stop an ocean research project opposed by the state's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), fishing groups, and environmentalists. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a permit on 1 July and the seismic surveys began…

Damen delivers Fugro Proteus

Jul 07, 2014

Fugro took delivery of the newbuild Fugro Proteus from Damen Shipyards, the first of three Fugro offshore coastal survey vessels (FOCSV) scheduled for delivery in 2014, both companies announced on 4 July 2014. The compact survey vessel is capable of undertaking a wide range of survey…

Providence begins Drombeg seismic

Jul 05, 2014

Ireland’s Providence Resources announced Monday that 3D seismic survey operations have begun on its Drombeg oil prospect in the southern Porcupine basin, off southwest Ireland. The Lower Cretaceous Drombeg prospect is in the FEL 2/14 license area…

CGG Opens Myanmar Subsurface Imaging Center

Jul 02, 2014

CGG announced its recent inauguration of an open subsurface imaging center in Yangon to service and support anticipated growth in Myanmar’s oil and gas exploration sector. The new center is the first of its kind to be opened in Myanmar by a major international geoscience company…

Polarcus starts 3D multi-client survey off Ireland

Jul 01, 2014

Polarcus Amani has mobilized for a 4400sq km RIGHTBAND 3D multi-client survey in the Southern Porcupine basin, offshore Ireland. The multi-client project, being acquired in collaboration with ION GeoVentures and GeoPartners, will be the largest…

Fugro acquires Africa's Geofor Group

Jul 01, 2014

Fugro has completed the acquisition of the Geofor Group based in Libreville (Gabon), Douala (Cameroon), Pointe Noire (Republic of Congo), and São Tomé City (São Tomé) to strengthen its presence in the Central Africa region and the French-speaking African countries…

PGS to shoot Australian seismic

Jun 24, 2014

PGS announced plans for Springboard, a new multiclient 3D program in the Ceduna sub-basin offshore south Australia using the company's GeoStreamer technology. Acquisition is planned to start in late 2014 on this program, which will cover some 8000sq km of broadband GeoStreamer data…

Sonardyne introduces academic discounts for US scientific research

Jun 17, 2014

Marine science and ocean research programs across the United States are set to benefit from access to more affordable underwater technology thanks to a new discount scheme introduced by Houston-based Sonardyne Inc. Under the terms of the company’s Academic Discount Partnership…

ION finalizes OceanGeo acquisition

Jun 17, 2014

Houston-based ION Geophysical Corp. has agreed to acquire 100% ownership of ocean bottom seismic acquisition company OceanGeo BV. In February 2013, ION acquired 30% of OceanGeo, then increased its ownership to 70% in January 2014…

OceanGeo completes OB cable survey off Trinidad

Jun 16, 2014

OceanGeo BV completed an ocean-bottom cable seismic survey in the Gulf of Paria off Trinidad for the state-owned Petroleum Co. of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. (Petrotrin). The work began 2 Jan 2014 and the wide-azimuth acquisition work was completed on 30 May 2014…

EMGS wins additional Barents work

Jun 06, 2014

Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) received a contract worth US$1.7 million for 3D EM data acquisition in the Barents Sea. The client was not named. The survey will be completed in June using the vessel BOA Thalassa. EMGS announced…

Australia awards 9 offshore exploration permits

Jun 05, 2014

Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane announced the award of nine new permits located in Commonwealth waters offshore Western Australia, Victoria, and the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands as part of round one of the Australian government’s 2013 Offshore Petroleum Exploration Acreage Release…

Statoil plans VSP at deepwater Miocene well

Jun 02, 2014

Drilling continues at Statoil's Martin prospect in Mississippi Canyon Block 718 with the Maersk Developer semisubmersible, in 850m (2789ft) water depth. Statoil plans to run a zero-offset vertical seismic profile (VSP) survey on or before 15 August 2014…

ExxonMobil awarded Western Gap blocks

May 30, 2014

US Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Acting Director Walter Cruickshank announced the award of the first three oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico that are subject to the US-Mexico Transboundary…

Current News

Malaysia's Petronas Plans Job Cuts

Louis Dreyfus, Tidal Transit JV to Supply CTV for French Offshore Wind Farm

RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm to Help Balance German Power Grid

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling Ops Offshore Namibia

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