Offshore ROV & Dive Support News - page 13


Life goes on

Apr 01, 2016

Elaine Maslin takes a look at the Dan Bravo complex offshore Denmark, which, at 44 years old, has a new lease on life thanks to some serious steel reinforcement. Divers installing the conductor guide frame…

Getting fishy

Apr 01, 2016

The race is on to create an autonomous, resident underwater vehicle capable of long-term inspection operations and eventually a level of intervention. Elaine Maslin takes a look at BG Group’s version. FlatFish during shallow water seatrials…

Robots in disguise

Apr 01, 2016

Elaine Maslin speaks with Oceaneering about its latest underwater technologies and its thoughts on the future of the ROV and AUV industry. The NEXXUS ROV working in the Gulf of Mexico off the Olympic Intervention IV vessel…

Laser light

Apr 01, 2016

In a short period of time, subsea laser scanning has sprung up as a new viable option for subsea imaging and measurement. Elaine Maslin takes a look. Buoyancy collar. Images from 2G Robotics.  A number of firms appeared…

Mermaid wins Thai subsea contract

Mar 31, 2016

Mermaid Maritime’s Thailand subsidiary has been awarded a US$10 million subsea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) service contract in the Gulf of Thailand. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, structure and sea line inspection…

IMES wins Bibby frame agreement

Mar 24, 2016

Bibby Offshore has awarded a frame agreement for rigging equipment inspection and wire rope management to marine and subsea business IMES following a lengthy and competitive tender process. The agreement, potentially worth a seven-figure sum…

Fugro inks Dana Western Isles gig

Mar 22, 2016

Dana Petroleum awarded Fugro to supply ROV drilling support services on board the Ocean Guardian MODU at the Dana-operated Western Isles developments in the northern North Sea. Operating one of its fleet of FCV 600 ROVs, specifically designed for North Sea drill support activities…

Bourbon Arctic delivered, completes first operation

Mar 21, 2016

Bourbon has taken delivery of the Bourbon Arctic from the Vard Brattvåg shipyard (Norway) and completed her first anchor handling operation. The vessel was engaged in the disconnection and unmooring operation of the Island Innovator located at the Fosen field in the central North Sea…

Fugro lands DONG Walney survey

Mar 14, 2016

DONG Energy has appointed Fugro to perform offshore pre-construction surveys at the Walney Extension offshore wind farm off the UK’s Cumbria coast. The pre-construction and engineering survey will provide detailed information to the Walney Extension project team…

A subsea Inovatum

Mar 01, 2016

Not all projects for clients come to fruition, but the work done along the way can lead to greater things as Norway’s Inovatum Lifting is finding out. Elaine Maslin reports. Two 150-tonne INOshackles…

MEMS the word

Mar 01, 2016

Norwegian universities have a great habit of directing their students towards research that quite often results in a new technology – and new businesses. Elaine Maslin reports on a new business bringing micro-electronic mechanical systems to the subsea business…

All in the water

Mar 01, 2016

For subsea separation and produced water re-injection or discharge to really take hold, technology gaps in subsea water quality measurement must be closed. Progress is being made, says NEL’s Ming Yang. Marlim Subsea Separation System…

Wonders of the deep

Mar 01, 2016

Vidar Fondevik’s career has spanned challenging the limits of diving to developing remote operated systems. He reflected on his career with Elaine Maslin. Vidar Fondevik, top left, receiving his SUT Fellowship…

Making Murene

Mar 01, 2016

The need to innovate, collaborate and standardize existed well before the downturn, and not least in Norway. Elaine Maslin sets out how Transmark Subsea has been doing all three. Work on Murene at Transmark’s facility near Bergen…

Simplifying sampling

Mar 01, 2016

Elaine Maslin reports on Norway’s NUI newly developed seabed sampler, which will take any type of sediment while using an ROV. The sampler during a test subsea.  Despite the best…

Current News

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EMGS Scores $3.4M Multi-Client Surveys in Norway

EMGS Scores $3.4M Multi-Client

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