Offshore Engineer Safety & Security News - page 64


Berthing the fledgling FLNG breed

Jun 08, 2011

With floating LNG facilities now widely acknowledged to be a key enabler for exploiting stranded gas reserves, Trelleborg Marine Systems' Simon Wilson offers some insights into the new design methodologies needed for integrated berthing and…

The right flare design is no coincidence

Jun 08, 2011

In-depth studies into coincidental flaring offshore have found a less than one in 100 year design case which if not handled would risk loss of the ability to flare in an emergency, with potentially severe consequences. With bridge-linked installations on the increase…

Independent and competent: is it time to raise the bar?

May 01, 2011

Competence testing, true independent oversight and a stronger focus on the human element are the lessons from Macondo, argues Lloyd's Register energy director Dr Iain Light. --The offshore industry has just had the dubious distinction of…

Counting the cost of outsourcing

May 01, 2011

In the past decade, the oil & gas industry has been effective in finding new resources, but much less successful in bringing new supplies onstream. That was the verdict of Eni E&P executive vice president Antonio Vella, addressing this year's Offshore Mediterranean Conference in Ravenna…

Demystifying offshore safety

May 01, 2011

The UK offshore industry recognised that a key component to achieving a reduction in offshore hazards and incidents was to improve basic safety training for all personnel. OE looks at the e-learning programme designed to achieve that goal and now ready for roll out internationally…

Avoiding the 'Swiss cheese' effect

Apr 02, 2011

Cheese may never be far from the thoughts of the French. But what concerns classification and verification group Bureau Veritas is the holes in cheese – and more precisely how to avoid them. OE hears from BV offshore projects manager Jose Esteve…

The compelling case for drilling riser monitoring

Apr 01, 2011

Pulse Structural Monitoring, a recent offshoot from 2H Offshore, is gearing up post Macondo to provide what it claims is the most comprehensive drilling riser monitoring service on the market, as Bill Clewes reports.Despite its environmental impact…

Staying ahead of the game

Apr 01, 2011

Technology and concerns about staffing took center stage at last month's SPE/IADC Drilling exhibition & conference in Amsterdam. Jennifer Pallanich listened in as companies discussed how to remain competitive. Hint: it's mostly the people.One…

Drilling equipment training goes online

Apr 01, 2011

Following two years of development, Aberdeen Drilling Consultants recently launched its new ADC Virtual Academy division, offering what they believe is the world's first online course focused on drilling equipment for the oil & gas industry…

Chevron's four steps to business success

Apr 01, 2011

Chevron chairman and CEO John Watson told the Energy Institute's International Petroleum Week dinner in London last month that fossil fuel is no dinosaur. Meg Chesshyre was there.Far from having reached any peak, the world's estimated base of recoverable oil…

Stormy waters: will PIGS ever fly again?

Mar 02, 2011

Recent events in North Africa provide a stormy backcloth to the Offshore Mediterranean Conference (OMC) in Ravenna 23-25 March, but the region nonetheless remains a highly prospective one for the offshore sector especially with Noble beginning to unlock the treasures of the Levantine Basin…

Security and sustainability to the fore

Mar 01, 2011

‘Securing Safe, Smart, Sustainable Supply' is the highly alliterative theme for this year's Offshore Europe conference, to be held in Aberdeen 6-8 September. It will be chaired by Amec chief executive Samir Brikho.--It is not just about having energy…

Sedco 711: the regulatory issues

Mar 01, 2011

In the wake of the July 1988 Piper Alpha disaster in the UK North Sea, the Cullen Report introduced a risk management approach to offshore safety, making the production and maintenance of a risk-based ‘safety case' a legal requirement for every UKCS offshore facility…

US tightens regulatory grip

Feb 02, 2011

A week after the long-awaited release of a presidential commission’s report on the Macondo disaster, US Interior secretary Ken Salazar announced the latest moves in the reorganization of the agency that oversees offshore oil & gas activities…

Safe passage for Sonangol crews

Feb 02, 2011

With a year of incident-free operation in West Africa under their belt, Steve Douglas and David Brittan reckon combining the first CrewZer-class vessel with the latest Frog transfer devices has produced arguably the industry's safest crew supply…

Current News

ADNOC Secures LNG Supply Deal with India's BPCL

ADNOC Secures LNG Supply Deal

India Set to Launch Oil and Gas Licensing Later This Week

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BP’s Shares Soar on Elliott Stake Increase

BP’s Shares Soar on Elliott St

Source Galileo, Portland Port to Progress Offshore Wind in English Channel

Source Galileo, Portland Port

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