Offshore South America News - page 178


Probing French Guiana

Feb 01, 2013

Shell spudded its French Guiana prospect, GM-ES-3, the second of a four-well program. The well will target the Priodontes prospect, providing critical geological data. Shell operates the field with 45%; its partners include Total (25%), Tullow (27…

Brazilian power pact

Feb 01, 2013

Petrobras has chosen GE Oil & Gas to power its four new FPSOs – the P-74, P-75, P-76, and P-77 – bound for the Cessão Onerosa field in the Santos Basin pre-salt. GE’s turbomachinery will generate primary energy for the FPSOs using gas turbines…

Contract Briefs - February 2013

Feb 01, 2013

Dolphin Drilling and Petrobras have agreed to a one-year contract extension for the semisubmersible Borgny Dolphin. The contract, worth US$90 million, extends its deployment until September 2014.GDF Suex E&P UK picked Technip to provide installation…

Karoon hops for Kangaroo oil

Jan 25, 2013

Australian firm locates light oil off Brazil Click to view largerKaroon Gas Australia has encountered light oil at the Kangaroo-1 exploration well on Block S-M-1101 in the Santos Basin off Brazil, partner Pacific Rubiales announced on 25 January 2013…

IHC Merwede triples down

Jan 17, 2013

IHC syncs build of three Brazil-bound vesselsKeel-laying pipelay vesselIHC Merwede is building three 550t pipelaying vessels simultaneously at its Krimpen aan den IJssel yard in The Netherlands. The keel-laying ceremony for the first…

GE inks Petrobras equipment deal

Jan 15, 2013

The $500M supply contract serves 4 new FPSOsGE's PGT25 gas turbineGE Oil & Gas has won a contract worth more than US$500 million to supply turbomachinery equipment and services to Petrobras, a world leader in deepwater oil production…

Caribbean pact

Jan 10, 2013

Anadarko and state-owned Ecopetrol have announced a 50:50 venture to explore the Fuerte Norte and Sur blocks off Colombia in the Caribbean Sea.

Fourth time's a charm

Jan 10, 2013

Petrobras touted a fourth oil discovery in the ultra-deepwaters of the Sergipe-Algoas basin, 85km off the coast of Aracaju, Brazil. Tests confirmed the presence of a 67m-thick, light oil column in the Calumbi formation of the Muriú well.

Colloquy: Antifragility: Can this industry thrive with disorder?

Jan 09, 2013

Nina M. Rach COLLOQUY: Editor's Column Despite the widespread pop-culture interpretation of the Mayan calendar, the world did not end in an apocalypse on 21 December 2012, just as the Y2K date bug did not cause utilities and other critical infrastructure to fail on 1 January 2000…

Petrobras strikes oil at Tupi South

Jan 08, 2013

Tupi South discovery may link to Lula field Petrobras has found good quality oil in the Tupi South (Sul de Tupi) area of the Santos Basin pre-salt, the company announced on 8 January 2013.Petrobras said the well encountered reservoirs…

Sapinhoá in production

Jan 08, 2013

Sapinhoá field begins production off BrazilSapinhoá mapCommercial production has begun at Sapinhoá field, Repsol announced on 8 January 2013.The field, run by a consortium of Repsol, Petrobras and BG Group, is located in Block BM-S-9 in Brazil’s pre-salt region…

Island dreams

Jan 04, 2013

Could a chain of islands designed to house and feed workers closer to production locations be a viable solution to the daunting logistical challenges faced by operators working in remote offshore locations in Brazil and other parts of the world…

Cidade de Itajai arrives

Jan 02, 2013

Cidade de Itajaí (Photo: OOG)OOG-TNK unit arrives at Brazil's Santos BasinThe FPSO Cidade de Itajaí has arrived in the Santos Basin, Petrobras announced on 2 January 2013.The OOG-TKP vessel arrived on 29 December and will be connected to…

EMGS has signed

Jan 01, 2013

EMGS has signed a US$12 million data acquisition contract extension with Brazil’s Petrobras. Data acquisition is underway and should be completed by the end of this month.

Ultra-deepwater ships poised to join the fleet

Jan 01, 2013

The Atwood Advantage dockside at Daewoo’s yard in South Korea.The newest ultra-deepwater drillships joining the fleet this year will be capable of working in 12-14,000ft (3658-4267m) water depths and drilling to 40,000ft. Ultra-deepwater…

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