"Nord Stream" News

Can Germany Keep Warm Without Russian Gas?

Mar 09, 2022

Russia said it could cut gas deliveries to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline amid rising tensions over the Ukraine crisis, disrupting a route that accounted for 60% of Russian gas supplies to Europe in the first two months of this year…

How Dependent is Germany on Russian Gas?

Mar 08, 2022

Russia has warned it may shut off its main Nord Stream gas pipeline to Germany after Berlin halted approval of a second line across the Baltic Sea in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  The comment, from Russian deputy prime minister Alexander Novak…

BASF Ready to Push Through Wintershall Dea IPO Against LetterOne's Opposition

Feb 25, 2022

BASF, co-owner of Nord Stream 2 backer Wintershall Dea, said it was prepared to push through an initial public offering of the oil and gas business next year if its joint venture partner LetterOne upholds its opposition to the transaction.'Given…

U.S. Senate Set to Vote on Cruz's Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sanctions Bill

Jan 13, 2022

The U.S. Senate will vote on Thursday on a bill being pushed by Republican Ted Cruz to slap sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline in Europe, although it is not expected to garner enough support to pass.The bill is scheduled for a vote at around 2:45 p…

Shell to Exit Russian Oil and Gas

Mar 08, 2022

Oil major Shell said Tuesday it would withdraw from its involvement in all Russian hydrocarbons, including crude oil, petroleum products, gas, and liquefied natural gas (LNG). The news follows Shell’s decision last week that it intends to end…

Sanctions on Nord Stream 2 Could Harm Relations with Germany, U.S. Senators Say

Jan 11, 2022

Several Democratic U.S. senators said late on Monday, after meeting with Biden administration officials, that they believe sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline backed by Republican Senator Ted Cruz could harm relations with Germany.Under…

Germany: SPD Official Defends Pro-Nord Stream 2 Policy

Jan 10, 2022

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline to bring Russian gas to Germany should not be mixed up with political and human rights disputes with Moscow, a senior official from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) that leads Germany's coalition government told Reuters…

Shell to Pull the Plug on Gazprom Equity Partnerships

Feb 28, 2022

In the latest corporate backlash to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Board of Shell plc said it intends to exit its joint ventures with Gazprom and related entities, including its 27.5 percent stake in the Sakhalin-II liquefied natural gas facility…

Uniper CEO: Nord Stream 2 Approval Could Come in mid-2022

Jan 05, 2022

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is to transport Russian gas to Germany, could get approved in the middle of the year, the CEO of one of the project's financial backers told a newspaper.The pipeline, led by Russia's Gazprom, has been completed…

Nord Stream 2 Starts Filling Second Pipe with Gas

Dec 20, 2021

Nord Stream 2 AG said on Friday it had started filling its second pipe with natural gas, stepping up preparations to launch a project that has sparked global political tensions and is yet to get the green light from Germany.'Like the first string (pipe)…

Wintershall Dea CEO to Join Talks Between German Firms and Putin in March

Feb 21, 2022

The boss of oil and gas firm Wintershall Dea plans to join talks scheduled for early March between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German top-level executives, he said, adding open lines of dialogue were crucial in the current situation…

Putin Says Nord Stream 2 Link Ready to Calm Gas Prices

Dec 29, 2021

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday the Nord Stream 2 undersea gas pipeline would help to calm a surge in European gas prices and was ready to start exports now a second stretch of the pipeline has been filled.Nord Stream 2, completed…

Europe Missing Out on Gas with Nord Stream 2 Delay, Russia says

Dec 24, 2021

Europe, struggling with soaring gas prices, is missing out on additional Russian supplies amid delays to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a top Russian official signaled on Friday.Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said European companies that invested in the project…

Interfax: Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline to be Filled by Year-end

Dec 23, 2021

Russia's Gazprom will complete the filling of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by the end of this year, Chief Executive Alexei Miller said on Thursday, according to the Interfax news agency.The first of the two lines of the pipeline, which runs from Russia to Germany…

U.S. Officials: Nord Stream 2 Pipeline to be Shut Down if Russia Invades Ukraine

Dec 08, 2021

U.S. officials have told members of Congress they have an understanding with Germany about shutting down the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine, a senior congressional aide told Reuters on Tuesday.The White House said…

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