Offshore Drilling News - page 383


Optimizing well placement

Apr 28, 2012

The iPZIG at-bit inclination, gamma ray and imaging service has been introduced by PathFinder, a Schlumberger company, to help optimize well placement in target zones through early bed boundary detection.Developed specifically for unconventional…


Apr 28, 2012

Rowan is changing its legal domicile from Delaware to the UK under plans aimed at ‘improving its long-term competitive position as a global contract driller’. President and CEO W Matt Ralls commented: ‘The offshore drilling industry is a global…

Liner technology comes of age

Apr 01, 2012

Nearly 11 years after Weatherford first commercially deployed drilling-with-casing, the service company is still testing the limits of where and how the technology can be helpful when it comes to overcoming wellbore instability. Jennifer Pallanich catches…

Offshore drilling management: time to raise the game

Apr 01, 2012

In the aftermath of Macondo, the E&P industry is preparing to invest heavily in upgraded BOP equipment. For some drilling professionals, including Fraser Offshore’s Douglas Nunn, this is a questionable use of resources. ‘Hardware upgrades and…

Bromwich disputes drilling backlog

Mar 02, 2012

BOEMRE director Michael Bromwich vows that deepwater drilling will return to the US Gulf of Mexico in the coming months, marking a return of exploration all but shut down after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. But the oil & gas industry remains skeptical…

Asian players land bigger fish

Mar 01, 2012

The mix of orders for all categories of drillings rigs continues, with Asia Pacific and Middle East shipyards and their overseas affiliates indicating a marked drift away from jackups and towards ever larger semisubmersibles and ultra-deepwater drillships…

Locating leaks, monitoring flow

Feb 10, 2012

Downhole memory tools specialist Omega Well Monitoring has launched the patents-pending Leakator, a tool optimised to locate leaks and monitor downhole flow.Omega said Leakator’s run-it-yourself capability means an existing on-site crew…

Rig building writ large

Dec 01, 2011

Despite a brief interruption post-Macondo, the rig newbuilding boom that started in 2005 is gathering momentum. Jennifer Pallanich talks to IHS about the latest trends in the drilling contractor market.One of the trends that Tom Kellock, Houston's head of consulting for IHS Petrodata…

The Times they need a changing

Nov 01, 2011

When a story becomes the story it may sell a few more newspapers for a couple of days but most editors know that this is not a good way to the future – unless of course ideologically driven or vested interest motives become barely disguised…

Reducing risk and cost offshore Malaysia

Nov 01, 2011

Combining Alternate Path shunt tube technology with concentric sandface completion systems is improving operational efficiency and economics while bringing new life to old offshore wells in Malaysian waters. Here, Schlumberger's Shahryar Saebi and Sergey…

Oil & gas activity North West European Continental Shelf

Sep 01, 2011

OE's popular annual guide to oil & gas developments on the Northwest European Continental Shelf returns, fully updated.Operators in the UK sector of the North Sea were taken aback in March this year by UK Chancellor George Osborne's decision to raise the supplementary tax rate from 20% to 32%…

Stimulating work

Aug 01, 2011

Baker Hughes' latest fracturing and stimulation vessel, the Blue Tarpon, is designed for operations in the Lower Tertiary play of the Gulf of Mexico. Katie Jernigan takes a look at the newest addition to the Baker Hughes fleet. Chouest owns…

Russian driller eyes Caspian catch

Aug 01, 2011

Having established itself as the largest independent provider of onshore drilling services in Russia, Eurasia Drilling Company is now looking to have a bigger say in the developing CIS offshore market. David Morgan reports.Eurasia Drilling Company's…

Remote open close catching on

Aug 01, 2011

The benefits of 'remote open close' technology are increasingly being sought out by operators as a new way to approach well interventions and completions, particularly in deepwater and subsea applications where rig time savings are critical…

Shearing the unshearable

Jul 01, 2011

The 5 million barrels of oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico last year from the BP-operated deepwater Macondo well after a bad shear job played heavily on Radoil president Benton Baugh's mind. An inventor at heart, he knew there had to be a way to shear the unshearable…

Current News

Malaysia's Petronas Plans Job Cuts

Malaysia's Petronas Plans Job

Louis Dreyfus, Tidal Transit JV to Supply CTV for French Offshore Wind Farm

Louis Dreyfus, Tidal Transit J

RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm to Help Balance German Power Grid

RWE's 302MW Offshore Wind Farm

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling Ops Offshore Namibia

TotalEnergies Starts Drilling

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