Offshore System Design News - page 7

Ding-dong battle over Siri solution

Jul 07, 2011

The 50:50 partners in Denmark's Siri oil field fell out last month over the latest proposals to deal with the subsea cracks that have beset the 13-year old Siri production and storage platform in recent years. Meg Chesshyre reports.The row…

Prelude in the supermajor key of FLNG

Jul 07, 2011

Shell's 100% owned and operated Prelude FLNG project offshore Western Australia, long in the works and given a final investment decision in May, will include what the company boasts is the largest floating offshore facility. Russell McCulley…

LLOG champions spec floater cause

Jul 01, 2011

Long content to remain under the radar, Louisiana's LLOG is set to make a big splash with its first Gulf of Mexico deepwater development using a floating production system. Russell McCulley joins LLOG officials at the company's new digs north of New Orleans to talk about the Who Dat project…

Petrobras applies pre-salt pressure

Jun 08, 2011

Planning and information are key to the successful realization of Petrobras’ ambitious plans to hoist pre-salt production levels from the current 100,000b/d to 1.08 million b/d inside ten years. Jennifer Pallanich listened in as José Formigli…

Berthing the fledgling FLNG breed

Jun 08, 2011

With floating LNG facilities now widely acknowledged to be a key enabler for exploiting stranded gas reserves, Trelleborg Marine Systems' Simon Wilson offers some insights into the new design methodologies needed for integrated berthing and…

Have HMPE ropes come of age for ultra-deepwater MODU mooring?

May 01, 2011

High-modulus polyethylene ropes for deepwater mooring were first trialled 10 years ago, but despite promising early results subsequent problems with excessive creep stalled their application. A decade on, the situation has improved to the point…

Flaring wastes 5% of world's gas

May 01, 2011

A new report estimates flaring of unused gas wastes about 5% of the world's annual production while emitting 400 million metric tonnes of CO2 per year. GE's Flare Gas Reduction: Recent Global Trends and Policy Considerations report estimates…

Schotman eyes Shell's opportunity sets

Apr 01, 2011

As chief technology officer for Shell, Gerald Schotman oversees a research and development program with a budget that exceeds $1 billion. During a recent Houston visit, Schotman sat down with Russell McCulley to discuss how the company decides how to direct its R&D efforts…

Making light work of ultra-deep recovery

Apr 01, 2011

Netherlands-based lightweight fibre specialist DSM Dyneema believes a recent ultra-deepwater recovery operation amply justifies its trademarked claim to have ‘the world's strongest fibre'.A salvage operation on a ship wreck in 3200m of water…

Ekofisk rolls back the years

Apr 01, 2011

Investments in the region of NKr65 billion are on the cards over the next few years following ConocoPhillips' recent submission of its plans for the further development of the Ekofisk and Eldfisk fields to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum & Energy…

Southern comfort for UK gas men

Apr 01, 2011

A more optimistic view of the future of the southern North Sea gas and the hard-pressed East of England offshore supply chain emerged at a recent regional conference in Norwich. Meg Chesshyre reports.Having acquired assets from BP, Shell and BG in 2003 and ExxonMobil fields in 2007…

Nexen spreads its wings

Feb 02, 2011

Field development prospects on the UK Continental Shelf are gathering momentum again, with Nexen (Golden Eagle, Blackbird), Chrysaor (Solan) and BG (Blake increased production) firming up North Sea project and environmental impact details in recent weeks…

Breathing new life into Mars

Feb 02, 2011

A decade and a half after its Mars TLP started production, Shell is gearing up for the Mars B development and its centerpiece, the Olympus TLP. Russell McCulley talks to Robert Patterson, Shell VP upstream major projects for the Americas, about…

Spec build FPSOs: dangerously risky

Feb 02, 2011

Floating systems consultant Peter Lovie pinpoints some of the perils of speculative FPS building and wonders if the practice may now have become just too risky for operators or contractors to consider.In the service vessel business and in the…

Repositioned for recovery

Feb 02, 2011

Companies across the offshore supply spectrum used the recent downturn to take stock – either out of necessity or for strategic reasons – in order to reposition themselves for when the upturn finally kicked in. OE looks at one such company,…

Current News

EMGS Lines Up New CSEM Survey Offshore India

NextGeo Buys Another Geophysical Survey Vessel

OTE Corp Signs $3.5M Deal for OTEC Installation at US Army Base

Petronas to Retain National Authority After Sarawak Gas Deal

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